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Tous lea autrea exemplaires originaux sont filmte en commenpant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte dlmpression ou d'illustration at en terminant par la darniire page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un dee symboles suivants apparaitra sur la demiAre image de cheque microfiche, seion le caa: le symbols ««» signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre fiimte A des taux de rMuction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour §tre reproduit en un seul ciichA, il est filmi d partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche d droite, at de haut an bas. an prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I lui m* I lafwip^ Ml C( i W. 1 1884. PROCEEDINGS -OF TIIK- Municipal Council OF THE COUNTY OF WELLAND. J UNJ^ SJ^'SSIOJSf, IS 8 J:. W. McCLEARY, Esq. WARDEN. Printed at the Telegraph Steam l^rinting House, W'elland. . . 1884. ^ ~ '~='=fimmimi0»ii>i!>ii»¥idiimi u 1 I ' -» vruif~iK/t^.a„iU' gw.«aaiei'?-g»:'i>B!ea«><« M met a Forsy whim Shriti » 1 1884. PROCEEDTNGS OF THE M TTJ^I Cirjllj CO TJN CI L OF TIIF COUNTY OF WELLAND. JUNE SESSIOX. Wei.land, June 2nd, 1884. By directions of the Warden the members of the County Council met at the Grand Jury Room in the Court House at 2 o'clock p. m. The Warden in the chair. Members Present : — Messrs. Barnhard, C'ronmiller, Ellsworth, Forsyth, Eraser, Gainer, (iarner, Griffiths, Herbold, Johnson, Ma- whinney, Miller, Misener, Mclntyre, Ncff, Orchard, Ramsden,Riselay, Shrimpton, Sisler and Willson. / M\ i f J p I? Coumir met, j Pr sent i ii J 1 _i \miml- }'^^ ,i.:^/i!J,a...:1.am'.%.i'-7':.*. XVarflen'B Ad- tlrcas. Matter! before ouncil- Thc Warden remarked in opening the Council that he had fol- lowed the precedent of last year in calling the (.'ouncil on the first Monday in June; that he had conmuinicated with several councillors in reference to the meeting and this date seemed acceptable: that the matter of ecjualization would come uj) for consideration at this session and trusted that the same good feeling would exist as was the case last year; that the matter of heating the county buildings by steam would also come up for consideration, and with some further geiuial remarks concluded by presenting : The i6th annual report of the Inspector of Prisons. Also, printed minutes from several counties. yMso, bi-annual report of the St. ('atharines (lencral and Marine Hospital. ' Also, sainple copj-^f the Lincoln and \\'elland Directory published ; « by W. H. Irwin ^: Co. , Also, from R. W. Phij)ps re preservation of the forests. Also, from Legislative Assembly re amendment to the .Municipal Act to reduce the number of members of ("oimty Council. i - , _ - _ .\ls(), from the Prison Aid Association. Alsf'j fiont the Dominion Bridge Compan)-. Also, from the ('ampbell Sewer Pipe (Company. Also, from County of l*eel, re amendment to School Act. • ' Also, from the Ontario Rifle Association. Also, from Department of Crown Lands as to the survey of Town Line in Wainfleet. . Also, report of Crand Jury. ^easionaihouiB Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Ellsworth, That the hours of meeting and adjournment during the i)resent session be as follows : Meet at () o'clock a. m., adjourn at 12:30 p. m. ; meet again at 2 p. m., and adjourn at 6 p. m. — Carried. HIRR","*^!"^'" I" ■^'"•M ^^qpinnipi ii.^.i»l )era. / Moved by Mr, Miller, seconded by Mr. Barnhard, That the Clerk do notify the several printers in the county that |!j'"*""' *^°' scaled tenders will be received by him up to 1 2 o'clock noon on Wed- nesday, the 4th day of June inst., for the printing of 200 copies of the minutes, the list of convictions and all other printing required by (!()uncil for the current year, said tenders to specify price per page, the work to be done in the same type, style and size as for last year; and .!,• . ,; 1 iij , Moved by Mr, Willson, seconded by Mr. Mawhinney, in amend- ji"j-.f«.i • nicnt, That the Clerk do notify the several printers in the county that scaled tenders will be received up to 10 o'clock on Wednesday, the 4lh day of June inst., for the ])rinting of 200 copies, same as last year, '' " ' ; r' of the minutes of each session, including auditors' report in June session ; also price in bulk for the year for advertising returns of con- victions quarterly and printing 50 copies each of said quarterly returns, other job printing, under control of this Council, to be given persons awarded contract and to be charged for at regular rate charge- ., • '. s able for such work, the said tenders to state price per page, the work to be done in same type, style and size as for the last year. . ' Amendment proposed and carried without a division. Mr. Orchard gives notice that he will on to-morrow ask leave to Notica of Mo- tion re. By-Law introduce a bill to confirm Hy-laws No. 9, 10 and 13 of the Township ?,"• ®i '9 * ^''• of Stamford. »» ■ . Moved by Mr. Ranisden, seconded by Mr. Forsyth, ^ That the memorial of the County Council of the County of Peel „ , „ „ •' •' Peel Co. Coun- re amendment of the Public School Act be referred to the Committee "" connnittee. on Education with instructions to report thereon.— Carried. Moved by Mr. Ramsden, seconded by Mr. Fraser, '. .. . That this Council do grant the sum of ten dollars to the Ontario ^asodaSon '^'' Rifle Association, and that the Warden do issue his cheque on the I r i 9 'ml ■MMpM^pHOHHIi \ R Tramp ■anca ^^ ui. Ro Wainflcek town line 'i 'I'reasiirer in favoi of I.ieut, Col. W. O. Otter for the above named amountA ('arricd. Moved l)y Mr. Orchard, seconded by Mr. Riselay, 'I'hatjhe report of the (Irand Jury, res])ecting the tramp nuisance be referred to the (laol Oomniittee to rei)ort thereon.- ('ankd. Moved l)y Mr. Misener, seconded by Mr. Mawhinney, That the communication of the Crown Land Department ;r sur- vey of Jinc between concession 3 and 4 of ^Vainfleet, be referred to thefollowing Committee: -Messrs. (larner, Ramsden, l''orsyth, Oainer. Orchard and the mover and seconder. Clarried. Motion f.r Moved by Mr. Forsyth, seconded by Mr. Fraser, that the Warden ABseiB andiia- do cause a statement to be laid before this Council during the present bllitlc'i session, showing the amount yet due the County from the several municipalities, and also the 'amount of liability of the County and the cash on hand and the amount of interest received on County deposit since June last.- Carried. By permission, the Education Committee were allowed to retire, The Education Committee returned and asked permission to delay report till to-morrow, which was granted; and the hour of ad- journment having arrived, the Warden left the chair. . ,,1 ,'., II . .I,.,'.. .... Bdaoati i^omtuHtee l| m'i PiOUillt SECOND DAY-MORNING SESSION. ' ' ■ TuES.DAV, June 3rd, 1884. Pursuant to adjournment the (Council met at 9 o'clock a. m., , The Warden in the chair. Memukrs I'uESENT. — Messrs. Barnhard, Cronmiller, Ellsworth, Forsyth, Fraser, Garner, Gainer, Griffiths, Herbold, Johnson, Maw- Bopol i of COQJ. : of whole, re bridgaa hinncy, Miscncr, Miller, Mclntyrc, Ncff, Orchard, Rainsden, Riselay, Shrimpton, Sisler and Willson. The minutes of yesterday were read by the Clerk and approved MinctcB Re»aser, seconded by Mr, Riselay, That the Caol Committee be instructed to have the Gaol and HeatirR by Btc-aui il Court House heated by steam, and have said buildings so heated 1 ■■! Unpn.tt ad -pt i ort. ! befoie neit reguJar meeting of this Council. . ..1./ '*''''' '.*;j'- ml i '• Kesolatiou to lie on table Eilucation Coiumittee First Report Fi'st Report Adopted. Second Report lep.d ' Adopted I , Third Report read 10 And moved by M Ranisden, seconded l)y Mr. Forsyth. That the Resohition now before this Council, be allowed to lie on the table until the (laol Committee bring in their report regarding the state of the buildings.- ('arried. ■ ,, ,. >• Moved b • Mr. Cainer, seconded by Mr. Johnson, , , That the first report of (lommittee on Education be received and read. - Carried. Rejwrt read pursuant to motion. Moved by Mr. (lainer, seconded by Mr. Johnson, < , :. •., . 'I'hat the first re|K)rt of Cunimittco on iMhication, just read, be adopted, — Carried. Moved by Mr. (iainer, seconded by Mr, Johnson, ' . ■ i-' • 'I'hat the second report of Committee on Education be received and read, Carried. Report read pursuant to motion. ,. . , . ;.(>,,,;• . .•; Moved by. Mr. Gainer, seconded by Mr. Johnson, ' ■■" • t That the re|)ort just read, be adopted. Clarried. Moved by Mr. Cramer, se<;onded by Mr. Johnson, 'I'hat the third report of the Committee on Education be received and read.- Carried ,.,.,, ,. .... v ^•■/.. . . i-i. i;, n^u. : Report read pursuant to motion. Moved by Mr. Cainer, seconded by Mr. Johnson, ^; . 1/ J Bill for raising ,..i i i • i in r ' school mouies lliat leave be given to introduce a bill to raise a sum ot money ffjrl68l ^ in aid of the Public Schools, fi)r the year i88.^. Leave granted. .••i ■'. -ji^ i/ ^irst reading ''"''■■ ' : ' -■ . ,}jkrf<-i S i,.r,, ;• ,;|:, U:\\'i' Moved by Mr. Cainer, seconded by Mr. Fohnson, ', That the bill be read a first time. — Carried. ''-rii >n ; i.f 11 Bill read a first time pursuant to motion. Moved l)y Mr. dainer, seconded by Mr. Johnston, 1'hat the bill be read a second time. — Carried. Bill read a second time. Seconi read- Hi Moved by Mr. (kiiner, seconded by .Mr. Johnson, that the bill be ,^,^^^ rcadiug not now committed, but that the same be read a third lime forthwith, that it do pass be signed and scaled as required by tew. and that its title be as in the bill. - Carried. Title Frs* Keadli } Bill read a third time and passed. Entitled l^y-l-aw to raise a sum of money in aid of the public schools for the year 1 884. , ,. , Moved by Mr. darner, seconded by Mr. Johnson, 1 • 1 1 M, - 1 r Billreappoint 1 hat leave be given to mtroduce a bill tor the iippomtmcnt of ment of But Treaauior Sub-Treasurers of school monies. , , i ' ■ ■ ' . '■ I ^ ,■'''•, " '. 1 -eave granted. . ■ ' : Moved by Mr. (lainer, seconded by Mr. Johnson, j I That the Bill be read a first time. — Carried. , l^ill read a first time. Moved by Mr. Gainer, seconded by Mr. Johnson, .' f . That the Bill be read a second time. — Carried. Bill read a second time pursuant to motion. s Moved by Mr. Gainer, seconded by Mr. Johnson, That the Bill be not now committed, but that the same b'e read a third time forthwith, that it do pass, be signed and sealed asrequiKcd by law, and that its title be as in the Bill. — Carried. Bill read a third time p r.d passed. •! .1 . Entitled a By-Law for the ap])ointmentment of Sub-'I'reasurers Title school monies, ;,,; . ; . ,- ■ .-. .• ,/ ,:;'•. i;..".' ■ it' ■ '•1 l'3 s'4 Seooud 76^ ing Third roafl - > ... '. I; ! smsmmmt mmmgn A- M 12 ra.tioii for The Recvuof Port Colborne presented a petition from Mr. Frank Moiut til Dom. Artillery Auun. King and Others, asking for a grant to the Dominion Artillery Asso- ciation. Graut made !|1 Beu soiubled Oml Com. ro- piirt Moved by Mr. Cronmiller, seconded by Mr. Neff, That the prayer of the petition ot Dr. Frank King and others be granted, and that the Warden do issue his cheque in favor of J. B, Donaldson, SecTreas. of the above named Association, for the sum of twenty-five dollars.^ — Carried. The hour of adjournment having arrived, the Warden left the chair. At 2 o'clock, p. ni. the Council resumed. By permission the Gaol Committee retired. The Gaol Commitiee returned and presented their ist report, whiL-i was read to the Council. Moved by Mr. Griffith, seconded by Mr. Ramsden, That the ist report of the Goal Committe, just read, be adopt- ea. — Carried. The Goal Committee presented the second report, which was read to Council. - ^ Moved by Mr. Griffith, seconded by Mr. Ramsden, .. r That the second report of Gaol Committee, just read, be adopted. — Carried. ^ , Petition for The Warden presented a petition from the County Agricultural grant to Co. ** arI. Society Society, asking a grant to said Society. ' • The matter of heating laid over at morning session was again - ' ■ taken up. Kcyert adopt- ed Btc'^m Heating mg. By permission Mr. R. F. Carter was heard in reference to heat- I'he original motion was again read as follows ; V i u Moved by Mr. Fraser, seconded by Mr. Riselay, ^• That the Gaol Committee be instructed to have the Gaol and Motion <"r Bteau Heating Court House heated by steam, and have said building so heated be- fore the next regular meeting of the Council. ' '' \ The Yeas and Nays being called for, were taken as follows : Yeas — Messrs: Cronmiller, Forsyth, Fraser, Gainer, Griffiths, Yeas and Nays Herbold, Johnson, Mawhinney, Misener, Neff, Orchard, Ramsden> Riselay, Shrimpton and Wilson — 15 Nays— ;Me;jsrs. Barnhard, Ellsworth, Garner, Miller, Mclntyre andSisler— 6. ' '•■■'■ :'•' ' i* '.Mil *' « ^ 'i Majority of Ye H, 9 Motion passing in the affirmative, majority 9. Moved by Mr. Neff, seconded by Mr. Forsyth, , , ; That the sum of $100 be granted in aid of the AVelland Agri- cultural Society, and that the townships of Pelham and Wain fleet do receive their proportion out of this amount, and that the Warden do issue his cheque in favor of the treasurer of the above named; So- ciety for the said amount, and Moved by Mr, Johnson, seconded by Mr. Sisler, in amendment, t 1 » /r That this council do grant to Welland Agricultural Society the Grant to abu- ^ cuiti''*al Soci- sum of $125, and that the townships of Wainfleet and Pelham receive s'-y- heir proportion out of said amount, and that the Warden do issu*^ this cheque in favor of the treasurer of the above named Society. The Yeas and Nays being called for were taken as follows: ■II, I ii') It ,^A Yeas — Messrs. Barnhard, Cronmiller, Forsyth, Fraser, Gamer, Griffiths, Herbold, Johnson, Orchard, Riselay, Shrimpton, Sisler and Willson. — 13. <. Nays— Messrs, Ellsworth, Garner, Mawhinney, Miller, Misqner, Mclntyre, Neff and Ramsden. — 8 f .-1 , (1 u; ■. * ir^l > Motion passing in affirmative. Majority 5, ' 1 ;.^;ll.J^ ., " '^mmimiiai»'»tsi'''%'"''^'^> k Statement Presented u The Warden presented statement from County Treasurer pursu- ant to motion. , . The hour of adjournment having arrived the v,-arden left the chair. THIRD DAY— MORNING SP:SSION. Wednesday, June 4th, 1884. Pursuant to adjournment the Council met at 9 o'clock a. m. The Warden in the chair. ., • • i !■■ it;. Present Bliuutes read • Gaol Co .1. in- structed to have Q%jI and Members Present. — Messrs. Barnhard, Cronmiller, Ellsworth, Forsyth, Fraser, Gainer, Garner, Griffiths, Herbold, Johnson, Ma- whinney. Miller, Misner, Mclntyre, Neff, Orchard, Ramsden, Risclay, Shrimpton, Sisler and Willson. The minutes of Council were read by the Clerk and approved by Council. " ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ' ' J The Warden presented circular from the Ontario Agricultural College. Moved by Mr. Fraser, seconded by Mr. Riselay, That the Gaol Committee be instructed to have Court I^ouse and Gaol roofed with galvanized iron or by any other plan that Court House niay be thought preferable. — Carried. roofed !-i (:■:.;( By permission the Committee on Equalization retired. Moved by Mr. Rainsden, seconded by Mr. Mclntyre, That the report of the Local Committee on Roads and Bridges Humbert t on iV Crowland B. B. for Humberstone and Crowland, be received and read. — Carried. 15 Report read pursuant to motion. Moved by Mr, Ramsden, seconded by Mr. Mclntyre, That the report just read be adopted. — Carried. Moved by Mr. Cronmiller, seconded by Mr. Miller, That the report of Finance Committee be received and read. — Carried. Finar.ce Cim ? report Report read pursuant to motion. ■ r Moved by Mr. Cronmiller, seconded by Mr. Miller, ■T/. That the report of Finance Committee just read be adopted, and Amta. cuiered , paid that the Warden do issue his cheque in favor of the several parties whose names appears therein. — Carried. Moved by Mr. Ramsden, seconded by Mr. Gainer, 'I'hat the Auditors' Report be received and read. — Carried. Moved by Mr. Ramsae i, seconded by Mr. Gainer, ■ * 'I'hat the Auditors' Report be adopted and printed in the minutes of Council. — Carried. , At the hour of adjournment the Warden left the chair. ii ■ . Auditors' rept received U , ;, AFTERNOON SESSION. , , At 2 o'clock p. m. the Council resumed. Moved by Mr. Orchard, seconded by Mr. Riselay, That the report of the Committee on Equalization be received • ..■■>..-;.l. Mil !: >; m\ and read. I -;. , > ■;i" ',.. I ■ ii i .'(' ; ;i M I Report on RquallzatioD, :^im^^;m« Bill to roise money for cur- rent expnuEi.H V> i ir.t I tit' -'ft ' ■ I <■■ Bill paised B 11 to e(iual!7.e tUe aaseHsmeiit 16 Report read \. jrsuant to motion. Moved by Mr. Orchard, seconded by Mr. Riselny, > ' That the re')ort just read be adopted. — Carried. Moved l)y Mr. Orchard, seconded by Mr. Fraser, That leave be given to introduce a bill to raise a sum of money to meet the general expenses of the County for the current year. Leave granted. * ♦ Moved by Mr. Orchard, seconded by Mr. Fraser, That the bill be read a first time. — Carried. Bill read a first time pursuant to motion. i ' Moved by Mr. Orchard, seconded by Mr. Fraser, That the bill be read a second time. — Carried. Bill read a second time. Moved by Mr. Orchard, seconu ':)y Mr. Fraser, That the bill be not now committed, but that the same be read a third time forthwith, that it do pass, be signed and sealed as re- quired by law, and that its title be as in the bill. — Carried. Bill read a third time and passed entitled a "by-law to raise a sum of money to meet the general expenses of the Coiinty for the current year/' Moved by Mr. Orchard, seconded by Mr. Fraser, That leave be given to introduce a bill to establish what shall be the equalized value of assessed property in County of Welland for the year 1884. , Leave granted. I ■>■>'. :,(■.; ; i',i ./,• I •',1.; ', ! }/ ■. , Moved by Mr. Orchard, seconded by Mr. Fraser, , That the bill be read a first time.- Carried. Ii.'.j: ,.J; First Beading Pecond Read- ing. 17 / Bill read a first time pursuant to motion. Moved by Mr. Orchard, second by Mr. Fraser, That the bill be read a second time. — Carried. Bill read a second time. Moved by Mr. Orchard, seconded by Mr. Fraser, That the bill be not now committed, but that the same be read a ; ' third time forthwith, that it do pass, be signed and sealed as required by law, and that its title be as in the bill. — Carried. Bill read a third time and passed. Passed. Entitled a By-Law to establish the equalized value of assessed - ; property for the year 1884. The Warden presented report of County School Inspector which s ingpeotora was read to council. Moved by Mr. Gainer, seconded by Mr. Riselay, That the report of County School Inspector for the year 1883 just read be printed in minutes of Council. — Carried. Ordered pi'iutod. By permission, the Road and Bridge, the Printing and Gaol Committees retired. Moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Fraser, '• "i^i |, \ That the report of County Clerk re Registry Office, Canal lands Co, Clerk's report. 1 and Marsh lands mortgages be adopted, the same having been read to Council. — Carried. Moved by Mr. Johnson, Seconded by Mr. Sisler, . , That this Council comply with the request of the Clerk, ^^ "Marsh Adopted "^odi . . Committee up- lands mortgages, and that the following named gentlemen be ap- pomted. pomted a committee, viz: ■ • - " • ••.■•• ,,.-.. ,;..., - Messrs. Frazer, Miller and Cronmiller, and Mover and Second- ' er.—Carried. !i imis, tfffxfi. Mxari'^'ft ■vimKiiwintnim«'.> -~tm; :-jp ' Com. re Ni- agara Falls. Report on B. Sc B rocoived. Adopted M-r'i- y Brport of Oaol Committee re- coivea. Report of Printing Com. u Moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Cronmiller, That the following named gentlemen be a Ccmmittee, re Ni. agara Falls award, vi^ Messrs. the Warden, Garner and Ramsden. — Carried. Moved by Mr. Garner, seconded by Mr. Misener, That the report of standing committee on roads and bridges be received and read. Report read. Moved by Mr. Garner, seconded by Mr. Misener, , That the report of standing committee on roads and bridges be adopted as read. — Carried. . Moved by Mr. Griffith, seconded by Mr. Ramsden, < .t , That the report of the Gaol Committee, to whom was referred the presentment of the Grand Jury, be received and read. Report read pursuant to motion. Moved by Mr. Griffith, seconded by Nr. Ramsden, That the report just read be adopted, — Carried. J The Printing Committee presented their report which was read to Council. Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Mawhinney, , ; J • That the report of standing committee on Printing, just read be adopted. — Carried. ... i r./< .f. / » ' ■ ■ !-• CheometoMer- rJtt Fijre Co. Moved by Mr. Ramsden, seconded by Mr. Griffiths, That the Warden do issue his cheque on the treasurer, in favor of John McCaw, treasurer of the Merritt Fire Company for the sum, of $25 for the use of fire-engine for flooding the sewers under Court House.— Carried. ..b^'iV.rO- /, By permission the special committee on VVainflect survey were i allowed to retire. .■■.'•. • ,■'..10. Moved by Mr. Fraser, seconded L»y Mr. Barnhard, That the advertising the time when Division Court is held, be Adv«tiBJng given to the county papers. — Carried. Moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Fraser, That whereas a resolution was read to this Council at the close Re weUnnd- port Bridge. of its sitting last night, asking the Road and Bridge Committee to give a detailed statement of the money spent in the building of th^ Wellandport bridge ; . And whereas a considerable discussion was entered into, result- ing in the withdrawal of said resolution, with the understanding that the information asked for in said resolution would be forth- i coming in the report of said Committee, to be presented to-day ; , And whereas said Committee has presented their report, and '/ "' none of the information asked for was given, Therefore be it resolved that the Road and Bridge Committee be instructed to report on the following questions, viz : The original contract price. • The amount for extras, if any. ^ The number of days Committee worked, and nature of same, and also the number of miles traveled. The yeas and nays being called, were taken as follows : . : r , • • Yeas — Messrs. Fraser, Johnson. — a. . 'i ^---J •.(!■, ^': :;i- Navs — Messrs. Jarnhard, Ellsworth, Garner, Gainer, Griffiths, Mawhinney, Miller, Misener, Mclntyre, Neff, Orchard, Riselay, Shrimpton and Willson. — 14. Motion passing in the negative, majority rz. ■ ' ■ YeHS and Nay* III1 m :% li ill f," Re Survey in Waiiifleet. Special Com appoiuted. Fort Erie F«rry. Ml morial. r 20 • ■ Moved by Mr. Garner, seconded by Mr. Gainer, - •• ■ That the report of the Special Committee appointed on com- munication re survey of concession line in VVainfleet, be received and read. Report read pursuant to motion. Moved by Mr. Garner, seconded by Mr. Gainer, That the report just read be adopted. — Carried. Moved by Mr. Gainer, seconded by Mr. Orchaid, That a Special Committee, consisting of Messrs. Garner, Misener and Mawhinney, be appointed to carry out the recommenda^ tion of the Special Committee re survey in Wainfleet. — Carried. Moved by Mr. Ramsden, seconded by Mr. Fraser, That the petition of the Reeve of Fort Erie, be received and read. — Carried. Petition re Fort Erie Ferry read pursuant to motion. Moved by Mr. Fraser, seconded by Mr. Ramsden, That whereas the Reeve of Fort Erie, by his petition presented to this Council, set forth certain facts connected with the Fort Erie Ferry, that said petition is accompanied with a memorial to His Ex- cellency the Governor General, in reference thereto. Therefore be it resolved that said memorial be read, and that the Warden and Clerk be instructed to sign and seal said memorial, and forward same in proper channel for presentation. — Carried. , Memorial read, signed and sealed, and forwarded as directed. The hour of adjournment having arrived, the Warden left the chair. t: r ■;•,•!-. •!>,;.,-j-'i ■,;• •■:■■ -;!;.;;, ,, i fi.Mjt;)}** Present. 21 THURSDAY. June 5th, 1884. Pursuant to adjournment the Council met at 9 o'clock a. m. The Warden in the chair. Members present — Messrs. Barnhard, Ellsworth, Fraser, Gainer, Garner, Griffiths, Johnson, Mawhinney, Miller, Misener, Mclntyre, Neff, Orchard, Ramsden, Riselay, Shrimpton, Sisler and Willson. Minutes of yesterday were read by the Clerk and approved by ihe Council. Moved by Mr. (iarner, seconded by Mr. Ramsden, That the report of Special Committee on Forrestry be received Forestry re- and read. / Report read pursuant to motion. Moved by Mr. Garner, seconded by Mr. Ramsden, That the report just read be adopted. — Carried. The Reeve of Thorold presented his resignation as a member of Special Committee, re Marsh Lands Committee. Moved by Mr. Fraser, seconded by Mr. Johnson, That the resignation of Mr. Fraser as a member of Marsh Lands Beii-tnatfon of ° mem >er M ah. Committee, be accepted. Landjcouj. Motion proposed, and lost on a division. Moved by Mr. Fraser, seconded by Mr. Misener, That this Conncil do now adjourn, to meet again at the call of Adjourned. the Warden. — Carried. Pursuant to motion the Council adjourned at 10 o'clock a. m. i': < il si ^tt^mmmmfBmm, I ! 'I ; * > .\' I i< I If -.,11 till M i^< 'I M If/. ■'.■7/ (t /'!'' ;-i '• fl . V ,1 -i.-'fl Hi .I'll I ' (Ml ••. I "M^ t'.' ,1 I'.jHtlr 'I fi; / * I :(■ 'i>l. 'I ■{ Ml' I '.?<... iiJ '1 .•■I'r J' )"■ 1 Hi ;.M,i'.< - I K.I. -Je^''.'^l>•^JI ;.|->iii: ) M'l 1c.li I"' wu . iir> '-.'■ Ir ^ \; iiijii I '■/i •f .tI'! i'V (;■ (If iii.-tn ::i, -' r' ,i*,«0 .J; .!|j;.;c.l :H'.i''l •/.!. !. ftO 1 .',M ' •■ ii!' I' ijMl. ;i-'r •)■'!! ■( I/* ,'^ ';./: ,>«Jn v'tf .'l'" <;!, •{ ,iUj /<' ir'>r< >r Ibh ■;■, \\ •.'J ,(• ii\ '.'^y* f'^viii y}". ■jsi -i; Jjv'>1j\.' cm i/. iiy.n.\~>\\\: v;i...f (.>w Irvvi.tVv; A \-' jj;i''l ...-■; in.. 1 .d'AruxJI uJ' V I -..I I 1 I' '!!. \ lO-\ III x -^i'! . <■. ■ '..'■ ."'1. -l//." ' * £> ''y ..I I I •; ' 1 i<' - •' . J J '■Jii' M. ■•■ t 1.', ' ' :' '■ '" 1 1 1 ♦• I :i' I'l.'-o ' APPENDIX A. :i ' •'< >•• ■ >■ . ,'1, ,•.• • i . H I I , . ■n/-. .' . I . ^ K-Z^ WS. ■ 'ji. ' "1 . J. J ;. It ■ " ;" , : ' .. 'u. .'■;').; ' ' ■! i''l . ■•.:: . ■ 'JL: or !' /./.'^•i' i;r. .' To Confirm B Y-LA W No. p, Sfamfofi, \ - ,,.V;".. •■' >i; -.J. ■ ■;ii T I '. -;• BY-LAW—NO. 4)'3. A B Y'ZA W to dose up certain roads intersecting the Canada Southern Win||L»^s, Ae Ca w4a. Soutbftm R«il^y Cpmpwy ht$ .located ' . \ iu y^ m the Township of Stamford, ^d for jkhat .purpoae. Iwa. pur- ; chased partif of lots Nos. 195, 196, 213, 214, 215, 216 tmd 217. ^\ I*, h: ' iM*i«iaBWr«ii>(l|iP' frtftfT^' i > \ ^ And whereas iri constructing and using its yard, it will be neces- sary for the said Company to place a large number of tracks across the allowances for roads that run between the said lots, and such roads would thereby be rendered unfit for public travel, or use of neighboring proprietors ; And whereas the said road allowances have not been opened for travel, and are not graded ; And whereas the said Company has requested the Municipa Council, of the Township of Stamford, to close up the said road a! lowances, and which are colored g'-een upon the plan of the said yard, deposited in the office of the Clerk of the said Township, and the said Council have resolved to grant such request ; • And whereas all proper notices, required by law of the passing of this By-law have been given at the expense of the saia Company, and no petition to be heard has been presented to this Council by any person, and no cause has been shown against the same : .L M » K A - i li Be it therefore enacted, that the road allowances before men- tioned, and which may be described as follows, viz : The allowance for road between lots 214 and 215, from the Chippawa Road to the concession line in rear on .the, north, known as the Welland line ; the allowance for road between "lots 195 and 196, from the said Welland line, to the northern boundary of such lots; the allowance for road between lots 214, 215, 216, 217 and lots 195 and 196, from a point where a line drawn north apd sout^ 'hrough the centre of lot 196, would intersect the said Welland line oh the south, to a poiut on the eiast si(3e of the Canada Southern Railway line, in iJie «iid Welland line, li 60 iefef casterty froftviind a^ right angles to the centpe line of the said Rctilway, arid the allowetnce for road between lots 216 and 217, from said Welland line, to a poin^ 26 southerly in such road allowance 356 feet from ihe southern boun. dary of such Welland line be and the same are hereby stopped up. Read a third time and passed, this 4th day of October, 1883. ANSON GARNER, Reeve. F. A. HUTT, Clerk. I certify that the within By-Law is a true copy of a By-Law passed by the Municipal Council of the Township of Stamford, Oct_ 4th, 1883. F. A. HUTT, Toiimship Clerk. . And whereas the said Corporation of the Township of Stamford, by their petition now before this Council, praying that the said By. Law be confirmed ; And whereas it appears to "he satisfaction of this Council that the requirements of the law in relation thereto, have been comphed with in so far as necessary on the part of the said Corporation of the Township of Stamford ; Be it therefore enacted by the Corporation of the County of Welland, and it is hereby enacted, that the said By-Law of the Cor- poration of the Township of Stamford, passed on the 4th day of Oc. tober, 1883, and numbered nine, hereinbefore recited at length, be and the same is hereby confirmed and declared to have full force and effect frorr; anu after the passing thereof. Passed in Council this 3rd day of June, 1884. L. S. J. C. Page, County Clerk. WM. McCLEARY, Warden. ! '■ J :ii 'Si II i?; .1 26 A B Y-LA W to confirm By-Law No. lo of Stamfotd. BY-LAW NO. 474. BY-LAW No. 10, of Township of Strmford. BY-LAW to sell certain allowances for roads betwien lots /pj, ipd, 214., 21^, 216 and 21 y. Whereas by By-Law No. 9, passed by the Municipal Council of the Township of Stamford, the allowances for Roads hereinafter de- scribed, were stopped up ; And whereas Nicol Kingsmill, of the City of Toronto, Esquire, Trustee, and the appointee of the Canada Southern Railway Com- pany, is the owner of lands adjoining the said allowances for roads and the Municipal Council has been requested by the said Company to sell and convey the said allowances for roads to the said Nico Kingsmill, as Trustee ; , .. . . And whereas the said Nicol Kingsmill has agreed to dedicate to this Municipality the following allowancCvS foi road, viz : ,, An allowance for road, sixty-six feet in width, along tI^e south- cast boundary of that part of lot 217 owned by him, and extending ^rom the allowance for road that formerly existed between lots 216 and 2 1 7, to the concession line to the north, known as the Welland line ; and also an allowance for road sixty-six feet wide along the northern boundary of lot 196, to where a line drawn north and south through the centre of the said lot would be, and also a similar allow- ance along such centre line, from the north to the south boundary of such lot, and will pay into the Treasury of this Municipality, the sum of six hundred and eleven dollars, being at the rate of one hundred dollars per acre, for the acreage of the allowances for road, so re- quested to be sold and conveyed, which is in excess of the acreage o^ the said allowances for road so to be dedicated ; 27 And whereas all proper notices of the passing of this By-Law have been given at the expense of the said Company, and no petition to be heard has been presented by any person or cause shown against it, and the said Council have resolved to grant such request ; Be it therefore resolved, that the allowances for road so stopped up, be sold to the said Nicol Kingsmill, as Trustee, that upon pay- ment into the Treasury aforesaid, of the said sum of six hundred and eleven dollars, and the dedication to this Municipality by deed of the allowances for road hereinbefore described by the said Nicol Kings- mill, the Reeve and Clerk of this Municipality, for, and on behalf o^ this municipality; do convey to the said Nicol Kingsmill, is Trustee, his successor, heirs and assigns, the allowances for roads which have been so stopped up, and which may be known and described as follows, that is to say : . The allowance for road between between lots 214 and 215, from the Chippawa Road, to the concession line in rear on the north, known as the Welland line; the allowance for road between lots 195 and 196, from the said Welland line to the northern boundary o* such lots ; the allowance for road between lots 214, 215, 216, 217 and lots 195 and 196, from a point where a line drawn north and south through the centre of lot 1 96, would intersect the said Welland line on the south to a point on the east side of the Canada Southern Railway line, in the said Welland line, 1 200 feet easterly from and at right angles to the centre line of the said railway, and the allowance for road between lots 216 and 217 from the said Welland line, to a point southerly in such road allowance, 356 feet from the southern boundary of said Welland line. \ And that the said Reeve and Clerk do execute any deeds neces- sary to vest the said allowances for roads in the said Nicol Kingsmill, as aforesaid, under the common seal of this Municipality. m ii iw * \ W^ i i; iTs Read a third time and passed in Council the 4th day of Oc- tober, 1883. I. ■ .1.: n K F. A. HUTT, C/erk. ANSON GARNER, ' Reeve. A By-law to confirm By-law No. ij of Toivuship of Stantford. BY-LAW NO. 475. A By-law to open up for public travel portions of Welland Concession Line ; and also road allowances in the Township of Stamford. Whereas it is necessary that the allowanoe for roads in the neighborhood of the Canada Southern Railway Companie's yards be opened for the use and convenience of the ratepayers, and others ; and Whereas notice of the intended passing ot the By-Law has been given by the Clerk of the Township, as directed by a resolution passed at an ordinary session of the Municipal Council on the 13th day of October, 1883, and posted up and published in conformity with the consolidated Municipal Act of 1883. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Stamford in Council assembled; • ' And it is hereby enacted by authority of the same that the allowances for roads hereinafter described are hereby opened up for public travel, and shall hereafter be used as highways of the Town- ship of Stamford. That IS to say, '■ That portion of the Welland Concession line, beginning at the Chippawa line road, thence west a]cng the southern boundary of lots 193, 194 and 195 to the allowance for road dedicated to the Town. ship by the Canada Southern Railway Company, through the North- west corner of lot 2 1 7, thence along said road allowance to the con- cession between lots 216 and 217, thence south between said lots to the Chippawa Creek road. ' !> • ■ » a • -v— ^ j Warden J. C. Page, County Clerk. . . ■' • • By-Law for the appointment of Sub-Treasurers of School Monies. Whereas the standing committee on Education have in and by their report adopted by this Council, recommended that the following named persons be appointed Sub-Treasurers of schdbl monies^for the Townships named, and it is expedient to carry such recommendation into effect. . .., ..j .,,..,. ,., . ,. .;: ^^ . -• • ' • ^^.-f-^ Be it therefore enacted by the corporat'on of the County of Wel- land, and it is hereby enacted that the following named gentlemen be and they are hereby appointed Sub-Treasurers of school monies for the Townships named, that is to say : , ' 3' '^^^^£^*'^i''^'^!"^^^^ I: If I 1 .-. •-'v^Kmif$mmmm^'*»^'miW!m»mmmi>>'mi< 44114' 4863lf 81925, S57789 692851 919740 58324 j 718916 90053 75030" 70500 1 948166 42307 466835 97380 434445 121560! 3000 116725 91400 340625] 9500 97300 151100 655425] Passed ip Council this 4th day of June, 1884. i':!r;jii As E(jual- ized. 1680343 660000 1080200 1172600 924000 924000 1320000 555500 511500 137500 78980 220000 77000 4125O0 .(,- ifi> I—) M, ■i-»7'.- -J.':'! // ,•! >-J!''M Wm McCLEARY, IVarden. J. C. PAGE, County Qlerk. ' '' •'' !| : . '■' ■!' . (■■ I , ;ii , ■M: •;■' >'!.{' ■'. ;>r !•■■(') A By-Law to raise a sum of monty^ by assissincut^ to meet the genera expenses of the County for the eurrent year. Whereas it is necessary and expedient to raise the sum of $12,- 192.65 by assessment upon the rateable property of the County of Welland for the current year, to meet the general exi)enses of the said County. ' , , ' . .. -. .V... -v ^ Be it therefore enacted by the corporation of the County of Welland, and it is hereby enacted that there shall be raised, levied" and collected the current year upon the rateable property of the several municipalities, composing the County of ^^'elland, for the pur pose of meeting the general expenses of the said corporation the fol lowing sums, that is to say ; I - > -f .i!»'#« '^mimm^mmmm^.'^ 34 Township of Bertie $2100 43 " " Crowland 825,1.-. " " Humberstone 1350 25 , , " Felhani 1465 75 " " Stamford 1 1 55 ,,.,.'■ " " Thorold • 1155 " " Wainfleet 1650 " Willoughby 694 37 ..-l, Village of Chippawa 96 25 ^ " " Fort Erie 98 72 . , " " Niagara Falls 171 87 " " Port Colborne 275 . ,, r' . Town of Thorold 639 37 '''^ I/ *' " Welland 515 62 .,, ;,';i. , . ' ' - ' ■ $12192 65 '• And be it further enacted that the said several sums shall be raised, levied and collected in the several municipalities aforesaid over a. id above, and in addition to all other rates, whatsoever, in the manner and within the time retjuired by law for collecting and paying over taxes generally, and when so collected shall be paid over to the County Treasurer in conformity with the provisions of the Act of the Ontario Legislature, entitled, "An Act to amend and consolidate the law, respecting the assessment of the property in the Province of Ontario. ' 1'' ■ ' ' , Passed in Council this 4th day of June, 1884. Signed, WM. McCLEARY, J. C. PAGE, ' " ' j ^^ ) IVarden. County Clerk. ■ L. S. • ' .■ i' ■ ' ?. \ ■ ! J .' ■ ■ ■ > ■■ . , . •■' . ; t , 1 /, , 1 '! ': ! I ' !*l '11 .'"i, , \}\' ■■■: (»■,,' ■- •-;.»■. :>''; 'I. -:»;•' / i l! ■ ' i/ l( * // .'1 ,V,,\\ V. -N.. u^) Vv\ \ ■' ■\ \\. .r, i\ . I .I- .' ' ' < . '1 ' yui' -,! r.c.i . ;i(.,;,«:i; ': ■■■■•: 'iri J !(■ ;n 1,11 ! fi, If:, i.[ . 1, ' 'i .:■ I.- Sl ^ J'-! .■' i ■•■"J M. I'r', HI !', M ) . ItHi ■••I i SSil^^l^^^^ a!«llfflTOrff(!«PS«««!' APPENDIX B. REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE. 2o the Warden and Councillors of the County of IVelland, in Council Assembled : Your standing committee on Finance beg leave to present this their report, and recommend the payment of the following certified accounts, viz ; W. H. Anger, printing $ 3 00 O. H. Garner, stationary 870 J. J. Sidey, printing 31 25 Hart & Co., stationary 3 25 Jas. H. Ball, incidental expenses 15 89 Welland P. & P. Co., printing 3 00 W. H. Bone, printing 3 00 37 Your committee also beg leave to report that it will be necessary to raise by assessment in the different municipalities the sum of $12192.65, which will be a rate of one and one-quarter mills on the equalized value of the County. . , WM. McCLEARY, H. CRONMILLER, ' EDMUND MILLER, • • ' JOHN A. ORCHARD, ' W. E. ELLSWORTH, H. GRIFFITHS, J. A. RAMSDEN, Council Chamber, Welland, June 4th, 1884. I,!i.| '"' I). '1 '•' 'I,' 1! Iii'.v. i:t: ■iriiff!' "1 ''i;« ■ / REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEE ON ROADS^ AND BRIDGES. To the Warden and Councillors of the County of Welland^ in Council Assembled: Your Standing C^ommittee on roads and bridges beg leave to submit this their first report : In December last your Committee reported that the work on Wellandport bridge was well under way, and that the bridge would in a few weeks be open for public travel. • , On the 20th dny of December, 1883, your committee had the bridge tested by placing about thirty tons of earth on it. Your committee are of the opinion that the bridge is sufficiently strong for all practicable purposes. Your Committee had temporary approaches made so the bridge could be used by the public, they not deeming it advisable to build \ .y I: ■: to fty^i«rtM>>;^yi,>4toabfi»>»4i>^Mi' •' of July, and recommend that the Warden issue his cheque for the same so soon as the work is completed. Your committee also herewith report that agreeable to report adopted by this Council in June, 1883, the Government appointed ' Mr. Gardner a Provincial Land Surveyor, to run and lay out the road between Welland and Lincoln. He has commenced the work, but ?■ has not yet completed the same. ...' m;! r-;! >■*! :i! ■jfiMV/ '.li All of which is respectfully submitted. .1 ^.J >■/; -.•/•): JOSEPH GARNER, , ,, .;;^;. :.,,.. ,,„|; ,., CKANMER RISELAY. ,111 11!' '.nil Jj;.'!i no;i>i< j' ! '>;i ^ M. B. BARNHARl), JOHN Wn.SON, JOHN MISENER. '" *'--' ' Cttiincil Chamber, Welland, June 4th, 1884. ;m. • ; .. iMiKI .•i) .'.' f. ., ,ll It-.MW I B.T-fT-' T - l~j;«T^T5f ,'T" V'. W ■r^^ -i -^-fTjp.- ■ ■'v^l-»*w Ti ■vrT*'^ rT»,^.^ 39 REPORT OF LOCAL COMMUTE ON ROADS AND BRIDGES FOR THOROLD AND PELHAM. , .,, To the Worifen and ConnclUors of the County of WeKawl, in Council fiHttemblciI , The Local Committee on Roads and Bridges for Thorold and Pelham, beg leave to submit the following"report: Your Committee gave an order on Mr. Moore for plank, to the amount of $3.16; also an order on Mr. Beatty for $1.68, said plank for bridges on town line. • Your Committee would recommend that the Warden issue his cheque for the above amounts. Also let a contract for the build- ing of a bridge near Mr. Conlon's for the amount of $100,00; also the building of a bridge near Mr. Roland's for the amount of $57.00, said bridges to be completed on or before the ist of November next, and if said bridges are built according to plans and specifications then your committee would recommend payment of same. Respectfuily submitted. . .-'.<>■ i '.A JOHN WILSON, •' •' JOSEPH GARNER. , . , Council Chamber, Welland, June 3rd, 1884. . ,'/ . ,. I :• ..fl!' I: REPORT OF LOCAL COxMMITTEE ON ROADS AND BRIDGES FOR HUMBERSTONE AND CROWLAND. • To the Warden and CouHciUorH of the Cointy of Wellnnd, in Council AK-icrnhfed : The Local Committee on Roads and Bridges for Humberstone and Crowland beg leave to report that they have caused a new bridge to be built over a gully on the town line between Humberstone and Crowland near Lyons Creek, and that they let the contract for building ! M ' ):! ^ijg^TijBaH.f|»pwii^i'sy^ ^s,^iSmmsm;^mm->' 40 the same to David White for the sum of $2 1.80, and have also caused some repairs to be made on the bridge across Lyons Creek at a cost of $4.50. The work having been completed to the satisfaction of your committee, they would recommend the payment of the above amounts, and that the Warden issue his cheques in favor of David White. All of which is respectfully submitted. Council Chamber, Welland, June 4th, 1884. J. A. RAMSDEN, JOHN McINTYRE. ■ ('>- FIRST REPORT OF GAOL COMMITTEE AND REPORT OF T. L. NICHOLS n: ROOF. To thi Wurdtu and CounciUori^ of the. County »/ Welland, in Council unsembltd: Your Gaol Committee beg leave to submit this their first report: Since the January session Mr. Schumacher has completed paint, ing and graining, in so far as your Committee felt that it was in the nterest of the county to do, considering that the root of the building was leaking in several places, and to paint and frescoe the walls would be very injudicious considenng the state of the roof, and have de- layed completing until further instructions. The amount of Mr.Schu- macher's account is $202.50, which has i)een paid by cheque of Warden. Your Committee bought from Mr. Rose, the covering for the floors, ordered by Council. His account amounting to $150.25 has also been paid by cheque of the Warden. Mr. Richardson has been paid $374 by cheque of Warden, for 100 cords of wood, green and dry as per contract. i)..,' ,(,1 , '. ' n .:' i" ' -f .-.! ■ . 41 Your Committee would wish to draw the attention of the Coun- cil to the advisability of cutting two of the windows down to the base, situate in the gaoler's apartments at southwest corner of the build- ings, and also two of the windows in turnkey's apartments, which would materially add to the appearance and comfort of the rooms, and would not be attended by any large expenditure. Your Committee would also recommend for your consideration the report of Thos. L. Nichols, herewith submitted, re roof of Court House. Your Committee would further recommend the purchase of a book case for the County Judge's room as the law library is constantly m- creasing, and the present book case now in use is full. Your Committee would also recommend that C. Lister, a prison- er now confined in gaol with a diseased leg, be sent to some hospital for cure and treatment, as recommended by the Gaol Surgeon. All of which is respectfully submitted. . H. GRIFFTHS, , ' W. H. GAINER, GEO. SHRIMPTON JOHN A. RAMSDEN N. FORSYTH. ,( >i i; <' Council Chamber, Welland, June 3rd, 1884. 1 . . .. , Welland, Ont., June 2nd, 1884. To H. Griffiths, Esq., Chairman q/" Oaol Committee: ,t Sir, — Having thoroughly examined the roDf of the Cour House personally, and assisted by a practical builder, T would submit the following: • • - ' : - IM i.;^^ ^ I ' 42 We found a few plates broken, which evidently had been locsv'ned by the wind,also several pieces of lead flashing loosened from the same cause. We find the roof too flat to be covered with slates, as no matter how good ilates were used it would certainly leak, when- ever we had rain or snoA^ accompanied by wind. The eave gutters are certainly in the wrong position, as in Winter they become frozen up and overflow on the top of the wall, which is almost level, thereby causing part of the water to flow inside the buildingr A roof of any kind whatever could not be made watertight with the present pitch cf roof. The fiiult, generally, is its poor connections with chimneys, domes, eaves and coping stones. I would suggest two i ways of making a permant job of this; one, to put in a Mansard roof, covered with the slates from the present roof, or with metallic shingles, the flat part to be covered with felt and gravel, or Marlem cement; the eaves to project over coping stones, and front porch to entrance to be torn down and an entrance made in the basement floor; and the other, to leave the roof the same pitch as at present, put eaves out- side of coping stones, rebuild outside of domes, flash all chimneys thoroughly and cover roof with tin. All of which is respectfully submitted. ..h' ... . . . ': THOS. L. NICHOLS, ,' ! - , Per S. .,H.| SECOND REPORT OF GAOL COMMITTEE. To the Warden and Councillors of the County of Welland, m Council Asstmhhd .- Your standing committee on Gaol beg leave tn submit this their second report, and recomn^end the payment of the following certified accounts, and that the Warden do issue his cheque in payment thereof ' 4M W. B. Chambers, sheriff's office ...;':........:...$ i 25 H. A. Rose, sundries county offices 1 1 00 Geo. Cronmiller, repairing foundation and new drains. 33 75 Ross & ("0.. putting down matting, &c 4 00 M. Vanderburgh, partition and repairs 39 94 J. Appleyard, sundrLs 1 2S O. H. Garner, stationary gaoler's office 9 20 All of which is respectfully submitted. ^ ,_ ,. . H. GRIFFITH, J. A. RAMSDEN, .-I ili- ^- : ' ; ';: (;E0. SHRIMPTON, > •■' / -' •' • ' 'i. W. H. GAINER, .';;/;' v.- vr X. FORSYTH, ' ,' ' Council Chamber, W'elland, June 3rd, 1884. " , ,,..,„, W : '£''1 / REPORT GAOL COMMITTEE RE PR AMP NUISANCE. m To the Warden and CmincUlorx nf the County of Wcllaud, in Connril Anaernhfed: The Gaol Committee, to whom was referred the presentment of the (irand Jury, re Tramp nuisance, beg leave to submit the following report : Your Commitee have been informed that it is the intention of the Municipal Corporation of the i own of Welland, to procure a quantity of stone during the coming summer months for macadam iz- ,ng the streets. ^,,.^ , ,.„ ^ , , ,., ^, ,,..., ,,„ , , ,._ ,,,,,^ ,,,.,.„. , Your Committee would respectfully recommend that the prison labor be tendered the said Corporation for the purpose of breaking stone free of charges, providing the said Corporation furnish a guard over prisoners during the performance of such labor. * • ^ -V .1.1 J -'>>i\»fi|i Aifcft%t.*MW-^l-«'^frt W-M*- ^;.yi.uik^,.»j*a^.h«taiaw>i^t , ^''^^'^^'*j^?y*^''j!^'^!^u^ ii< ^ .-.-;>f itmmmi'^ff^!' f.;- , ■ . ill 44 In case the said Corporation of Welland does not avail them, selves of this labor, we would recommend that the Gaol Committee take such other means to utilize the said labor as they in their judg- ment may deem expedient. . ! . . , .1 , .^ ■ . / : Your Committee would also recommend that there be a bath provided in the male department of the Gaol, similar to that at pres- ent in use in the female department. ' ' All of which is respectfully submitted. HERBERT GRIFFITHS. ' . I 1 ' I < I ! -• ' JOHN A. RAMSDEN. W. H. GAINER. GEO. SHRIMPTON. N. FORSYTH. Council Chamber, Welland, June, 4th, 1884. j I f REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON EQUALIZATION. To the Warden and ConncWorK of the County of Welland, in Cortnei^ Assembled : , , . Your Committee on Equalization beg to recommend that the following be, and the same is, hereby declared to be the equalized value of property for the purposes of assessment of the various Town- ships, Towns and Villages composing the County of Welland, for the current year, 1 884, viz: .1 :- ' ;ti \ in?. .'•• .ir v.i-c > i . ■ *l 4:t MUNICIPALITIES. Bertie 35500 1799835 Crowland 19217 442205 Humberstone 29762 775864 I'elham 28806 850455 Stamford 214391 659592 Thorold 22363 660254 Acr's Real. Pers'l Total Wainfleet Willoughby Chippawa Village Fort Erie Village Port Colbome Village . Niagara Falls Village . Thorold Town Welland Town 48730 18720' 650 176 279 775 877666 424528 87800 113725 249225 100730 536765 504325 119000 44114' 81925! 69285 58324' 90053 70500 42307 9500 3000 91400 97380 151100 T'tlaH Equal- ized. 1922605 486319 857789 919740 718916 750307 948166 466835 77300 116725 340625 121560 634045 655425 168U343 660000 1080200 1172600 924000 924000 1320000 555500 77000 78980 220000 137500 611500 412500 All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN A. ORCHARD, CRANMER RISELAY, J. A. RAMSDEN, A. ERASER, A. HERBOLD, :• M. BARN HARD, H. CRONMILLER, - GEO. SHRIMPTON, N. FORSYTH, JOSr 'H GARNER, ' JOHN McINTYRE, D. A. JOHNSON. ,. .' Council Chamber, Weliand, June 17, 1884. REPORT OF EDUCATION COMMITTEE RE AMEND- , '. 1 MENTS TO SCHOOL ACT. To the Warden and Councillors of the County of Welland, in Council A SHembled- The Standing committee on Education, to whom was referred the communication from the County Council of the County of Peel, I * % I -k t L^. . vj-j»*^v»4i»CTtf»a-^»^ mammiK'vfrimm^'tmfnm •rW^ T ■Tw;-- \ ■H>-. .46 in regard to memoralizing the honorable the Minister of Education, in respect to certain proposed amendments to the Public School Act, beg leave to submit this their report. Vour committee after having duly considered the proposed amendments, could not concur so far as making any changes in the present system of the formation of school sections, or the present method of raising the necessary funds required to pay the public school teacher'- by each section seperately, nor do your committee think that it would be of any general benefit to repeal Sub-Section 3 of Section 29 of the Act of 1879. Your committee would recommend concurrence with the pro- posals to grant additional powers to inspectors and arbitrators as to the attendance of witnesses. ' ./.!( V'-'M.L'/) ./- i Your committee would not desire it advisable to impose any fees in connection with departmental examinations, but would concur in the adrisability of provincial uniformity in respect to the use of public school readers, and the more liberal legislative grant to primary schools, /ni M (/. I Xii-: .0:1,. /(!■•/;- urti ■/ All of which is respectfully submitted. ^t 1.-/1!' M ./. .i(rimV^!«-r Mu GEO. SHRIMPTON. ■ "V^ V T:^ ' ' HENRY CRONMILLER .It'l^r^^'-'rl'^- EDMUND MILLER •.7AH0..TO A .HOT JOHN A. ORCHARD. Council Chamber, Welland, •■■■'' ,-i.>.i. '> June 3rd, 1884. I :P.i ,! ' I ) in ■ M ■■ 'I i 4A . THIRD REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION. To the Warden and CouncUlovK of the County ofWeffand, in Council oMsembkA: Your Committee on Education beg leave to submit this their third report. On referring to the Public School Act, your Committee find that each County Council shall, if deemed expedient, appoint one or mor«^ Sub-Treasurers of school monies, for one or more of the townships comprising a county. , , , , Your Committee would recommend that the practice heretofore established be continued by the appointment of the following named gentlemen as Sub-Treasurers for the townships herinafter named, viz= Township of Bertie Peter Learn " " Crowland Luther Boardman " " Humberstone H. B. Snider " ■ " Pelham John B. Crow c ■. I " " StaT ford Jas. R. McMicking ' ■' «• " Thorold Andrew Coulter " " Wainfleet Edward Lee ^- " " Willoughby Robt. McCredie All of which is respectfully submitted. .1 ' ' , .,, , W. H. GAINER . '.yi' ., ■; ,| I). A. JOHNSON ,.., .J \'7 , V, JOHN MISENER . :, '/.::;, , .'V . edward sisler • ■' '•'■/.VrV'".'-, ELIHU NEFF ,, ;, .. ■; geo. shrimpton . , ''-\\:'':: '. henry cronmller , J .f ,• i . ,, , EDWARD MILLER .0 ll/M-'^O /'. / ! V, ■ JOHN A. ORCHARD. Council Chamber, Welland, ■■'■:.>[.: h . , >r:i,nry u:.'.-v' "> June 3rd, 1884. ! r- '>,'■'•'!. 4lr COUNTY SCHOOL INSPECTOR'S REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1883. To William McCleary, Esq., Warden of the County 0/ WtUaiul : Sir,- Having reported to you in January the number ol schools under my jurisdiction for the year 1 883, I have the honor to submit the fol- lowing supplementary report, the statistics of which, owing to the in- completeness of the returns when reporting to you in January, I was unable to give at that time : RECBIPTS. , , Balance in the hands of trustees from last account $16544 53 Amount received from Lagislative grant /..... 3479 78 • " " County municipal assessment 2996 80 " " Tax levied on ratable property. . . . 24824 78 " " Clergy R. Fund and other sources. 4031 74 Total amount received $51 877 63 PAYMENTS. Amount paid teachers $27809 46 " for buildings, seats, &c 1686 06 " " books, prizes, maps, &c 152 62 '* " repairs, fuel, lighting, fires. &c 6653 69 Total amount paid $36301 83 Balance in hands of trustees $i5575 80 SALARIES. i>1 ■:c'Crr;jn :;.; i The highest salary paid a male teacher during the year was lowest " " ;' " u average «< female (( .$700 00 . 280 CO . 426 98 . 372 00 iii1r{^WiiSdiii^«i^ihWii>t?J»'i&if>?aiti'I^Asir'fihfes'^ II so CERTinCATES. : • - The number of teachers holding 2nd class Provincial certificates. . 14 '* " " I St class old County Board 19 '* " " 3rd class new " 59 .' ATIENDANCK. ,, i The average number of days the schools were kept open, out of a total of 220, omitting the two weeks of the summer vaca- tion, during which a few of the schools were open, as per- mitted by law, was 200 The number of pupils enrolled under 5 years of age was 33 " " " betweeu 5 and 16 '* 5306 '\ " " 7 and 21 " 160 " " '* " over 21 " 5 Total number enrolled 5494> Boys 2941 <^if^s 2553 The number of pupils attending less than 20 days during the year was 511 The number of pupils attending between 20 and 50 days 1027 51 and 100 " .... 1431 " " '• 101 and 150 " .... 1 167 151 and 200 " .... 1045 " " " " 201 and whole year. . 313 The average daily attendance was 2350. ■ • '.:■":: ''.■-■■ -.'•i'rM n: vv. ':'., CLASSIFICATION. The number of pupils in the ist or lowest claas was 1596 " 2hd class. ;.........../.■.:.. ,i^:.^rj:^' " ird " 1424 '''\' " '* " 4th " ,226 ''^ " " " 5th " „4 ' SUBJECTS OF STUDV. The number of pupils in reading was. . . 5494 . " _ " spelling 4433 " " writing 483 1 " " arithmetic 494 1 " " geography 214H " «t drawing 3127 " " singing 1635 " " object lessons 2690 " • grammar and composition t 1 5 1 " " ,, Canadian history 1822 , " " " English history 687 " " hygiene 1 368 •' " algebra 96 " " geometry 95 " " natural philosophy 20 " " i bookkeep'ng 26 . '" " ( ■ drill and callisthenics 52 The number of schools opened or closed with prayer or reading the scriptures, or both, was 86 The total number of school visits 1569 ACCOMMODATION. i. The school houses have been adequate, and, with only a few ex- ceptions, kept in good repair. They are almost all provided with ample playgrounds, and the premises enclosed with suitable fences. Attention has in general been paid to the neatness and* cleanliness of the school room and to its proper ventilation. In a number of the schools new and more suitable furniture and more ample equipments have been provided, and improvements in the ourpremises have been made. A lack, however, which still exists in a numljer of the schools, is that of a woodshed, the advantage of which has not as yet been uUy recognised. It is important that not only good wood should be ''^ ' 1 »i, f im ' ■■ i| i^2: »: I \ provided for the use of the school, but also that it should be kept in proper condition for burning, as the work of the school is liable to be obstructed and time lost, especially in the early part of the day, if the wood is of inferior quality or in bad condition. Several of the schools adopted the use ot coal, but owing either to a want of acquaintance with the management of coal stoves, or to other causes, in some of these coal has not proved satisfactory and wood has again been re- sorted to. ORDER AND DISCIPLINE. With hardly any exceptions, the order maintained in school has been good, and the pupils have been under good control. The ex- tent of mental training accomplished, however, necessarily varies, the most effectual training depending upon the greatest degree of skill and efTjciency in teaching and management. M.\NNERS, HABITS AND APPEARANCE. The manners of the pupils, their appearance and habits, so far as observable at my visits, have, upon the whole, been satisfactory. To- wards their teachers I have noticed that the language and demeanor of the pupils have been respectful ; that with comparatively few ex- ceptions tl^y have presented a cleanly appearance, and that habits of attention prevail. .-. <. ' ; , ' f' ... PROFICIENCV, In regard to the state of proficiency in the different branches of study, although in some of the classes an inferior grade must be assigned, yet the usual standing is middling, good or excellent. "^ ' I have the honor to be, sir, ''''"' ' "* Your obedient servant, ■ f ' . JAS. H. BALL, County Inspector !'(V: fi Thorold, " June 3rd, 1884. if •■■ liii.n'i ..I .-i.'i 53 EXTRACT FROM APPORTIONMENT OF LEGISLATIVE SCHOOL GRANT FOR 1884. COUNTY OF WELLAND. Bertie $ 5^4 Crowland 1 70 Humberstone. 45^ Pelham 452 Stamford 260 Thorold... 348 Wainfleei • • 32? Willoughby i53 Total.. . $2682 DEPARTMENT OF CROWN LANDS— SURVEY'S BRANCH RE SURVEY IN WAINFLEET. Thorold, May 13, 1884. Sir, — Before confirming Mr. Kennedy's survey of part of the line between the 3rd and 4th concessions, from lot No. 17 east to the town line between Humberstone and Wainfleet. Will you please in- form the Department whether any litigation has arisen on account of said survey, or whether the parties are satisfied. Mr. Kennedy appears to have made the survey careti^'ly, and in accordance with the law. Your obedient servant, THOS. H. JOHNSON, ^ . Assistant Commissioner. J. C. Pagf, Esq., County Clerk, Welland. Ont. mm *.^fcy*4, * rtiTrti I^VMllwtyly— Mft^ifa**'**^. MwlH^ltitf 0m^^i^0iiin^.<_> I •1' ) \v. i/').^ii ■[■;)/ )ii/) / / )i ,] i " X-' ■ ii-i ••i 1- .nir:ri!.Tl 'nod ' 'nil. 'i' • >.J| M /. » I' 1 . > \ t f tf •>. / I ' I 7..1A •» !• ':'• ■' ■ I *7 ,"'/! m;(.1 v./l .m/" •;:! I H '! I ' •>1t. lA'.M ,h. ■1 r1 t'l )-i'-j /! •,, I'fu; i/i{^ if'J pvywi i! -.-lu '1 li!!J. '■■!' ■If! ■,;;ii: tl^ . I ol hi , ji,.j..i,.'I .n.'; 'itf/jdj' fn.'.'itTiA;"' 1 >fit (ir if! ...!} •J'*' !)l. '-J- ^>i'! ..I ."J' -".'ij )r;/) .■ > .- mv ju ■1 .rf'i i|.-; 7 yiv.n: A . {/. it f;'i>^ •> ».i.oi>' :)i./ri'. Jii j..!'j>:;!> r ■)^/H(.M ..'! :-< n:'c \rAw*>i '-.A'- :^ .{.->/'{ .'! 1 Jv-ji ) -vin^',!.' ^c^J .1, 11'^ .UUv n ■ 1 .. / ■ I/" .: I, A ,' J f . . ' ^ ' ' i ■ ' •' 1 ' i ; ' I •' I i. ; ; ■ ' . 'J ■ 1 ■•' ' .' ;.(!.'. APPENDIX C. SPECIAL C(5MN.ITTEE jRE FORESTRY. •■/. To tht Wardtn and GoimeiLor' of tAc County of Welland, »» Oounetf Aaaembled : The Special Committee, to whom was referred the communica- tion of R. W. Phipps, Clerk of the First Preservation, beg leave to submit this their report. • . . Your committee agree with the subject matter embodied in the preamble, and are of the opinion that exemption of woodlands from taxation, as proposed, would not be advisable. ., .. - > All of which is respectfully submitted; . ..■■0. .'n .i:.. ;:•■'•' '.■vx'.'^'yrf \^:* '.-- ■;■•:.:'; "M/ '■■■'■ • •'-^•;--}t'- ;"■'■;• f. ' '.'.ir..- r;-:i; Council Chamber, Welland, ■"■■'■ •: June 4, 1884. 'i * ' •' ! JOSEPH GARNER, ^.v.^ J. A. RAMSDEN, W. H. GAINER, '- > JOHN MAWHINNEY, CRANMER RISELAY. i:» ). It ■ I" V ip 56 x R. W. PHIPPS RE FOREST. 233 Richmond Street, Toronto, May 23, 1884. Dear Sir, — May I ask you to lay the accompanying before the County Council at its next meeting, and greatly oblige, Yours truly R. W. PHIPPS, Clerk of Forest Preservation J. C. Page, Esq., Welland, Ont /•".•> ['1 1/, REPORT RE FORESTS REFERRED TO SPECIAL COM- MITTEE OF MESSRS. GARNER, RISELAY, MAW- HINNEY, RAMSDEN. AND GAINER. To the Council of the County of Welland. Gentlemen, — I am requested by Hon. A. M. Ross, Treasurer of Ontario, to address you on a subject of great importance to our Province, and to ask that you will take the matter into your consideration, and forward me your opinion concerning it as noon as your convenience will allow. You have no doubt observed that throughout Ontario the forests are being cleared away so rapidly as to excite apprehension of very serious cohsequenccs. Tho consequences are, irtdeed already beginning to manifest themselves. In those parts of our conntry which no long- er have the protection of interspersing portions of forest, the winter wmds are necessarily much more severe, farm operations* — such as are customary at that season — are carried on with greater expense "nd difficulty; stock require more feed and better attention, and the growing of important crops, such as fall wheat and clover, is interfered ft? with by the drifting of the snow from portions of the fields. Added to this, the springs and small rivulets are drying up in many localities. In some places floods are more common, causing considerable occa- sional injury along the river banks. There is also good reason to be- lieve, from the experience of other countries, that with the disappear- ance of our woods the rainfall will not continue to occur at periods so beneficial to the cultivator, nor will the soil continue so fertile. Wood, for fuel and for building, is also, in many parts, becoming scarce and dear. ^. I would wish to call to your attention the fact that these evils, already being felt in some districts, are as yet only in their commence- ment, and cannot be fully felt, while there remain, as nt present, every here and there, portions of the original forest; but as these are, unfortunately, becoming continually less, the loss and inconvenience already experienced will undoubtedly yearly increase. I would men- tion the fact that many farmers, in localities where twenty years ago the supply of wood was thought inexhaustible, are now largely nsing- coal imported from the States, and would remark that, should the ne cessity become general, the loss would be so great as justly to be con- sidered a national calamity. It would cost the country many millions of dollars yearly, while, so long as wood is procurable at home, it can be cut in winter at little expense. It could, alsooften be grown in places not well fitted for other purposes, such as side-hills and rocky land. It is a well-known fact that a principal cause of the rapid decrease in the amount of bush land remaining on our farms, is the custom of allowing cattle an entrance thereto. These destroy the young trees, which leaving the forest free to the entrance of the winds underneath cause the loss of many trees by being blown down. Also, where the young trees ^e destroyed, grass gets in, and has an injurious effect on the health of the older trees, ' In fact, it is evident that no forest can be perpetuated where the young trees are not allowed to grow, as there will be none to replace the older ones' Letters from some hun- • reds of farmers, lately received are to this effect. >v /. I ."I 5 J 1,11 j n i 11 a(^^II^M^W^IW^^W>*WBi'W^W«IWIWiW 38 » I! On the other hand, if a portion of forest has cattle completely excl uded, young trees will rapidly spring up all over the soil, and will form at the edges a growth, which having been raised where they feel the influence of the wind, spread their roots strongly and form a bordertothe forest which willnot blow down. Such a forestwill continual- ly reproduce itself. Young trees are always found ready to take the place of the old, and a good number of large trees can every year be cut with advantage to the remainder. Besides this, the forest soil, when cattle are excluded, remains — grass not overspreading it — in its natur- al condition, fit to act as a storehouse of moisture, and to nourish and preserve any springs which may exist in its vicinity. I have lately visited many such portions of bush, and find that when keptfree from cattle, twenty acres orlesshave for many years pastyielded yearly very considerable supplies of cordwood, besides some square timber; and are now well stocked with trees, old and young, and likely to continue, if the same care be observed, valuable forest per- petually. There yet exists throvighout the settled portions of Ontario many valuable portions of forest. One farmer will have 20 acres, one 40 and some 200 If, every here and there over the country, some of these can be preserved in full vigor, dense with undergrowth, they will form, not only valuable storehouses of timber and fuel, but valu- able reservoirs of moisture, whence will arise springs, forming the sources of creeks and rivulets, valuable for watering stock. Also, in the opinion of those who have studied the subject, when the moisture is thus kept near the surface, the district is more fertile. For shelter, W, these reservations would be of great use. It has been suggested that an act be passed, under which any owner of. land, can have a certain amount of forest on the same, say ten or fifteen acres in a hundred acre farm, exempt from taxation as long as he shall choose to to keep cattle excluded, and to cut no timber except grown trees, decaying ones, or such young trees as it S9 may be advisable to cut for th(* purpose ot thinning. It is also proposed, that shoilld he at any time desire to resume full con- trol of the land, he can do so by paying up the arrears of taxes which have been remitted to him. It is thought that full grown trees should be described as those measrwing fifteen inches across th stump, but that any township council should hrive power to regulate this to suit their own locality. 1 would respectfully ask the Council o\ the County of Welland to consider this matter at its next meeting, and to examine, whether in their opinion such an enactment would be effective. I would ask them to notice that there would be two inducements to the farmer as follows : In the first place, the exemption from taxation. This, they will, of course, calculate, by finding what a farmer generally pays in taxes yearly for an average ten or fifteen acres of bush, and whether the remitting of that amount would influence him to submit to the re- strictions above mentioned, 1 would also suggest to the Council that in case in any locality the amount of taxes levied on such land be so small that its remission would form too slight an inducement, the Council of that locality could easily calculate what sum would answer, and allow a remission to that extent on the yearly taxes of the owner of the land. If this principle were thought the more workable of the two, it might be carried out in all cases instead of the other. The sum remitted being of counse, repayable if the land be resumed. Next, I should ask them to remember, that undoubtedly, it would be to the advantage of any farmer to reserve in good and re- productive timber, such a portion of his farm for the reasons above stated, and that his farm, with such a reservation, would be more .V.^ "]&■'' >!SJ^MSL^lf^] ^i.-'.yr^a**.' tk^^'^%'hM r-mmm »-fe.a<>^3ife!M>i»Wi:^^ '' I i ■] Is ' H •I m ;Si 00 I valuable and saleable — reasons, which would, no donbt have their wight in inducing him to accept the arrangement, the bonus allowed forming merely an additional inducement. Besides this I would ask thorn to consider whether the fact of such an act being passed would *not have a good general effect, cs proving that the evils of over-clearing were becoming so serious as to demand legislative action. If the Council of the County of Welland will be good enough to consider this matter at their next meeting, and to reply to this letter stating what their opinion is concerning the probable effect of such an. Act, or whether, in their view, any better inducement could be substi- tuted therefor, I shall have much pleasure in reporting the same to the Hon. Treasurer, with a view to obtaining governmental action in the matter. ■ . J With great respect, Yours truly, R. W. PHIPPS, C/erk of Forest Preservation, Ontario. 233 Richmond street, Toronto, May gth, 1884. 1 • r REPORT OF COUNTY TREASURER. MEMORANDUM. ,; . Amount in Imperial Bank $2683 57 Municipalities paid up ' ' ' ^ ' Interest received from Bank to 31st May 95 00 ^ No Liabilities that I am aware of. Treasurer's Ofifice, Welland, ' ' ." "' , '"'" ' ' ' June 3, 1884. ■' '■ ' ■"-■■I" ' ' '''.->'' ••=»- > -^'" ■ '"""' '' "- '"■■ ""-^ ■^-' ;- James McGlashan, -' i-''' • ''*" ■'"'%^'?H '''■''''' • i'^' '■ ' • "'' '■ f' ■ ■ -' ' <■ ■■; County Treasurer. fll REPORT RE PRINTING COMMITTEE. \i To the Warden mnd CoundUws qfthe County of Wetland, in Council AsHembled: Your Committee on printing beg leave to report that they have received two tenders for the County printing as follows : I St. J. J. Sidey's, Welland Tribune, for 200 copies of minutes at 45c. per page, advertising and printing convictions for the year, $16. 2nd. Welland Printing and Publishing House, for 200 copies same size and style as last year, 39 cts. per page, list of Convictions per year, 2sc. Your Committee recommend the tender of the Welland Printing and Publishing House be accepted, it being the lowest. All «f which is respectfully submitted. ,, ,v ^ , , ,, , „. , , ,„, , John Wilson , ; . . ,. John Mawhinnev Joseph Garner N. F0.1SVTH A. Eraser Edmund Miller, , i, M. B. Barnhard C. Riselav. Council Chamber, Welland, June 4, 1884. / i : I i/1/ // /' ' Y;r/.s .]•- • ^'a f / r ' 1 :! •I- .' ■'■ !'/./. I TENDER FOR COUNTY PRINTING, RE W. P & P. HOUSE. To the Municipal Council of the County of Welland, in Council Aammhled : Gemtlemen :— In accordance with your request, we beg to sub- mit the following tender for the County Printing : ,. j^^.. j ^.,.,^. , , ,^,., 1^! biiiaB'aL^ .I'.'WMSWiai'l* '^WW.KW*?^ (Ml Minutes same style and size as last year, 39 cents per page. List of Convictions per year, 25 cents. Other work to be charged for at the regular established rates. We remain, yours &c., W. P. & P. House, 1. \.ln I M'j.i „'.' I. .'(.! TENDER FOR COUNTY PRINTING. '• •-!■ . Wem.and, June 4th, 1884. To the Committee on Printing o/fhe Covnty Connril 0/ the Cfrtinfy 0/ WeUnnd : Gentlemen, — In accordance with notice received I hereby ten- der for the printing of the county for the ensuing year at the following rates, viz : ' ' Minutes of Council, per page $ 45 Advertising and printing convictions for the year.. . . 16 00 Yours truly, J. J. SIDEY. :cH; J.. ..^: I REPOkT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE, TO WHOM WAS RE- FERRED THE COMMUNICATION FROM CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT RE SURVEY IN WAINFLEET. To the Warden and Councillai'H of the County of Wdland, in Council AsuemUed: Your Special Committee beg leave to submit this their report : Your Committee recommend that the Clerk of this Council ask the Crown Lands Department not to confirm the survey until re- 63 quested so to do by this Council, or its Coramittcf , and that a special Committee be appointed with instructions to purchase the present road, if practicable, so as to have the road where it is now. . > „ • All of which is respectfully submitted. , . ,.• ,i .,,i , Joseph Garner ) .1: John Misener .;. J I W. H. Gainer , ' I ' . , John A. Orchard. .r, (. •, ;ri . John Mawhinney. i Council Chamber, Welland, , . , June 4, 1884. REPORT ">?£ COUNTY CLERK. To the Warden ami Councillors of the County of Wtlland, in Council Aaseinbltd , The undersigned begs leave to report in reference to Registry Office and grounds, and other matters; have had one room in office painted, and the floor in same room partly covered, the matting orig- 'nally put down had worn out, and upon the stone floor it seems im- possible to get along without some covering ; the wall and ceiling had become dirty, and it was considered the cheapest way to have same painted, which, with those improvements, makes the room much mcrj comfortable and improves the appearance to the general public, as it is the public room only that has been improved. The expense in- curred is for : Mr. Schumacher, painting $30 91 Mr. Rose, for Matting , 29 58 which sums I would recommend to be paid, and that the Warden is- sue his cheques for the amounts ; also have had, (over and above prison labor) to have James Oliver two days for the Registry Office grounds, amounting to $2.50, which is also recommended to be paid. . ^1 Ml 111 I iSi I, H4 The Dominion Government have paid for the land taken for Canal Enlargement some time since, amoimting to $1225.20. E.x- pense connected therewith, by Messrs. Towers and Eccles of $4.68, which has been paid by cheque of the Warden. • ,.. ;. At January Session, the Committee on Marsh Lands ac counts was omitted. I would recommend thrt a Committee should be appointed, as it will be necessary to take some action on several mortgages this year, either by collection or removal, and would also like to make some arrangements as to my own mortgages. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. C. Page, County Clerk. Council Chamber, Welland, June 4, 1884. > I .) ,1 I ri . if. -^i>p!K T, ! ;; ■ -.-, ■(■('.■V' V ico'i''*'-'^ •• !•> :i'';:' "' .;'•■('■■. i-',ii .,. .•■^.■I^' u.'q vi!.r/ '.}..:\ :.tJi'. I'll.: 'l' ,' >il! :"' 7 ■ 'It n >:i .. " 'o I ■'-■ ■ . • . ■ ; !■ , ■•■,m'i '; ' I. r>';'.i'; .:.'■■' r' -.^n'l •;, T '.) T .'• :,<■ ^■■■ i .,1 «!,^ f. . ••■.:_■ i'' : . . I I,' 'JIJK ''■ . , 1'* .': r-i.i.' K'. • '-, n ' < .'x iM/l;-. •vJi;.-: I■!;^ >V:>t"i.'; . i •';(; '■•> '.V; r,(,d •. . .^^ -A ''- ^'I '■•' >' I.--' , •,..'■'■•: ;•!:, .' • f fin;..? i^:.i" .,ii4 It/J.i •••> (".oo<.i :■>('' lUMViiii, . uji .3 ■/ (.■■ lit'; li I ,i. ,U' i.>}\ "P*l SffiSB?! ■"*S/ti-'',«'-l2t^'' S^wofK*™? rra«s»w«5w*ssiij»ir^*««M»«>*«l'»*WW^^ \m . APPENDIX D. ,.', PETITION OF N. FORSYTH Ji£ FORT ERIE FERRY. To the Warden and CouncillorH of the County of Wetland, in Council Assembled : The petition of Nelson Forsyth, Reeve of the Village of Fort Erie, in said County of VVelland, humbly sheweth, That the lease to the present company of the ferry between said Village of Fort Erie and the City of Buffalo, will expire during the autumn of 1884 ; That the inhabitants of the County of Welland generally, but especially all those of the frontier Townships as well as those of Fort Erie, have a very larg** interest in the manner in which the business of said ferry is conducted, in so far as relates to the hours of running the ferry boats, the strength and capacity of the boats used, and the tariff of charges to be in force at the ferry, and that in all these par- ticulars a very great change in the opinion of your petitioners is needed, in order to meet the requirements of the public ; That there is now but one boat on the route, which runs only b:;tween the hours of 7 o'clock in the morning and 6 o'clock in '.he evening, and even then at inter^•als of half an hour ; that the said boat is of small capacity, being capable of taking in but a single load of hay at one time ; J^nd that the rates of ferriage are altogether too high; That if these things are remedied your petitioner has reason to believe that the travel for the purpose of market and otherwise, be- tween the County and Bufflilo by way of the ferry, would materially increase ; and that large numbers of mechanics and laborers, now living in the city and subject to the high taxation of that corporation, wjuld at once avail themselves of the opportunity to reside in Fort Erie, whereby the population and ratable property of that village would be greatly enlarged and its general business be materially im- proved ; • That one obstacle in the way of a change of hours is the Customs regulation on tlie American side, requiring all entries to be made be- tween the hours of 7 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Your petitioner, therefore, humbly prays that your Honorable Body will be pleased to take the case into consideration, and to assist the corporation of the Village named in procuring the much needed modification by memorial to His Excellency, the Governor General in Council, or otherwise as to your Honorable Body shall seem meet and proper ; and further that your Honorable Body will be pleased to rec nimend the "tariff rates" hereto annexed, being the rates agreed upon by the Village Council as the rales to be embodied in the next lease granted. And as in duty bound he will ever pray. AX I .1 Tariff refe^d to in foregoing SCHEDULE A, memorii 1. That the hours of running the ferry boat or boats shall be as follows i h' i ■•^ •''"■/'■.-". f':-.'.l,..,-/ .'. T1 ;■ v ■^H/^^Mttj^^^'i 68 One boat to leave the ferry dock at 6 o'clock a. m. sharp ; that a round trip be made every 20 minutes from said dock durmg the day until 8 o'clock p. m., and a round trip be made every hour from 8 o'clock until 11:30 o'clock p, m., during summer, from April ist until November 30th, and commencing on the ist day of December and until the 31st day of March at 6:30 o'clock a. m„ and runninj; the round trip every half hour from said dock until 7 o'clock p. m. That the tariff for sins^le passengers be ? 5 " " single horse, vehicle aud driver, over and retiim 25 " " not returning same day, each way be 15 " " saddle horse and rider over and return be 20 " " not returning same day, each way be 15 " " single horse each way be ; 10 " " double team and wagon, loaded or empty, with driver each way be 25 " ■ wagons alone, without horses attached, each way be — 10 " " cattle on foot, each way, each t 10 '* " hogs and pigs on foot, each way, each 3 " •' sheep on foot, each way, each S " " barrel bulk, eacli waj' 5 " " freight, loose, per cwt., each way 5 B it that ticket for fre.'iusnt crossers of the ferry to and from Fort Erie and Buffalo, shall be sold in packages of 10 for.. . . 2.i And also that tickets for the residents of either Fort Erie and Buffalo, who may use light vehicles for crossing back and forth, shall be sold in packages of 10 for 1 00 , . ' . N. FORSYTH, J?ee7'e. Dated at VVelland, thi.s 4th of June, 1884. . , 1 ; . MEMORIAL J?£ FORT ERIE FERRY. To fliii Excellency the Marquis of Laiwlowne, Governor Oemral of Canaila, etc., That the inhabitants of the said County of Welland, generally and especially those of all the frontier townships, including the Vil- lage of Fort Erie, have a large interest in the regulations to be em- bodied in any new ferry lease which may be granted. That the hours of running the Ferry Boat now observed being ^rom 7 o'clock a. m. to half past six p. m., are very unfavorable to the public, and that the tarifif of rates in force is believed to be altogether too high, and that the boat in use on the route, in respect of size, strength and capacity, is wholly inadequate to meet the wants of the community ; That an obstacle in the way of a change of hours is, the Customs regulations on the American side, which requires all entries to be made between the hours above named, a matter over which the local authorities on either side of the river have no direct control : That if these things caft be remedied, your Memorialists believe that the travel to Buffalo for the purposes of market and otherwise, by way of the Fort Erie Ferry, will be materially increased to the great advantage of the people of the County, and that many laborers a^^d mechanics now living in the city and subject to the heavy taxa tion of that Corporation, and other expenses incident to keeping their families in a large town will, as is the case at Windsor, opposite Detroit, come over to Fort Erie to purchase property, build on it, and reside there. Your Memoralists therefore humbly pray that your Excellency will be pleased to use your influence with the proper authorities in the United States to procure such modification of the Customs Regu- ir } 1 i '"at.jnii immm«imiiuvmmmfifir-i;<:tf!*i , . 70 lations at the port of Buffalo as will place a revenue officer in charge, and admit of entries being made at any time between six o'clock in the morning and eleven o'clock in the evening, and that a corres- ponding provision may be made for the Canada side, and further, that in any new lease of the ferry in question, which may be granted the lessee, may be required to put on a boat or boats of sufficient strength and tonnage to carry at one time at the least, two loads of hay with the the teams drawing the same, and not less than two other teams with their vehicles, and in addition thereto the ordinary pas- senger travel which may present itself; and your Memoralists further pray the following hours of running and tariff of rates at 'he said Ferry may be established, that is to say : One boat to leave the ferry dock. Fort Erie, at 6 o'clock a. m. sharp, that a round trip be made every twenty minutes from said dock during the day until 8 o'clock p. m,, and a round trip be made every hour from 8 o'clock nntil half past eleven o'clock p. m. during, say from April ist until November 30th, and commencing on the ist day of December and until the 31st day of March, at half past six a. m., and running the round trip every half hour from said dock until 7 o'clock p. m. hat the tariff for single passengers be $ .'> . !' I ■ " a horse, vehicle and driver over and return, be 25 , " , ,j *' a horse, vehicle not returning same day, each way .... lo " , " a saddle horse and rider, over and return be 20 " " a saddle hor.se not returning same day, each way be. . la " " single horses each way, be 10 •* " double teams and wagons, loaded or empty, with ' driver, each way be 25 •* '* wagons alone, without horses attached, each way 10 " " cattle on foot, each way 10 *' " hogs and pigs, each way 3 • '*' ' ' *' sheep, each way 3 • ' " ' ' •' barrel bulk, each way 5 ' " " freight loose, per cwt., each way 5 71 But that tickets for frequent croaseB of the Feny to and from Fort Erie and Buffalo, shall be sold in packages of 10, for 25 /\nd also that tickets for the residents of either Fort Erie or Buffalo, who may use light vehicles for crossing back and forth, shall be sold in packages of 10, for 1 .00 And as in duty bound, your memoralits will ever pray. , in' . I -.- ) J. C. Page, Covndj Clerk. VVM. McCLEARY. Warden. 1 : ' / i FROM ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, GUELPH. Ontario Agricultural College, '' i I •• ' / I • . '"' f\.- GuELPH, Ontario, ; ; , ■ • May 31st, 1884. . To the Warden and Councillors of the County of Welland, in Council Assmhhd : Gentlemen, — The average cost to an Qntario farmer's son for board, washing and tuition at the Ontario Agricultural College is $40 to $55 a year. The cost to non-residents is $120 to $150 a year, $115 paid in ad- vance. I am now holding a number of non-resident applications in abeyance to see whether the sons of our Ontario farmers will fill all the vacancies or not, and I take the liberty of calling your attention, to a short circular which I enclose herewith. ... • > From this circular you will see that provision is made at this in- stitution for giving your sons a fair English education, with instruction 'n a number of important subjects that have a direct bearing m the work of every Canadian farmer, and at less cost than would be in- curred for similar privileges at any other school or college in Britain or America. / f ? ! 5 •—ci) i ■^f II r.^^-v-,-..-,*-. \. \ 72 The institution is your own and my object in writing you is : I St — To secure your co-operation in placing a few of the enclosed circulars where they may be of use. '^' ' 2nd — To ascertain whether you know of any young men whom you would be disposed to recommend for admission on the ist of October next. If there are in your neighborhood any who wish to enter the ccfllege at that date, I would like to hear from them before long, that I may be in a position to give definite answers to non-resi- dent applicants as soon as possible. I have the honor to be, gentlemen, / Your obedient servant, JAMES MILLS, President. .'["■ !•';:; ^ ' -i .;/ j-> ■ ) .i/ • ) . .,1.),' ; .,/ I /■ ; . PETITION FROM DOMINION ARTILLERY ASSOCIATION. To the Warden and Councillors of the County of Wetland, in Council Assembled- The petition of the undersigned, . Humbly Sheweth : .-' - : ii "" That the Dommion Artillery Association have from year to year large expenses, which, to a large extent, have to be paid by the mem' bers of that association out of their private funds, and that association being made up of officejs cf the volunteer force of the country, they find it an additional tax upon their private means which, in many cases, they can illy afford, a.i: •, . .',,■< i f. •• ircr-,, :,,-;;. r ., Your petitioners would therefore most respectfully ask that your ) rable body would make such a grant to the said association as in yo> wisdom you may think just and right. . / And as in duty bound, your memorialists will ever pray. Dated at Port Colborne, this 3rd day of June, 1884. Signed, FRANK KING, and 8 others. I ! VMi 73 FROM THE ONTARIO RIFLE ASSOCIATION. Toronto, January 19th, 1884. Dear Sir,— Encouraged by the liberal spirit which has been evinced by the City and County Councils of the Province of Ontario for some years pas^, in granting a donation of $10.00 per annum to the annual prize. meeting of the Ontario Rifle Association, its Council has again in- structed me to solicit a similar subscription for this year. These grants in the aggregate make a very handsome addition to the prir,e list enabling the association to give increased encouragement to those competing in their matches, which are attended by repre. sentatives of the militia from all points of the province. I remain, dear sir, Your obedient sesvant, W. D. OTTER, Lieut.-Col. Secretary, THE CLERK, County Council, of Welland. \ :V.. r !J u. fn. ifc ONTARIO PRISONERS' AID ASSOCIATION. January igih, 1884. To th Cerk of the County : Dear SiR,~>We are making our annual appeal to the County Councils for donations to the Ontario Prisjners* Aid Association, and in doing so I cannot do better than by giving a few extracts from the admirable report of our Secretary (Mr. S. E. Roberts), as it appears in the annual report just published, a few copies of which I herewith send you. I will simply add, that we commence this year with an iM ri><(i-ifkT°¥"'i'"^; ^'':."^y"^"''^^^taI^ 7* indebtedness of nearly $3000 on our new property. We would be glad if the County Municipalities could assist us in paying off this debt,* as the funds at our disposal do not admit of our doing much more than paying current expenses. "During the year, the Ay iciation has acquired the house 148 Bay street, and in doing th. .id in the cost of repairs to fit it for the purpose required, have expended about $1000. It is this step which has enabled the Association to extend and consolidate the work, and so present the results of their operations in a more tangible form than they have hitherto been able to do. The Association's agent, Mr. E. Taylor, resides upon the premises, and the place is used as a house of call by prisoners on their discharge. At certain hours in the morning of every day, the agent is there to meet with any who may desire his help or connsel. This help and counsel is fi.en in many ways, but chiefly in the direction of supplying pressing tj.nporal necessities, food, shelter and clothing, forwarding to desti- nation, and most important and difficult of all, in securing employ- ment for them. During the past '^o.'n.x employ msnt it<. is found fo>\ and assistance given to, 728 discharged prisoners. Furtheu details and statistics in this connection will be found in the agent's report. ^ It has always been dilhcult to keep a proper oversight of the men who applied for and received the help of th3 Association. The old plan of giving money or meals and locaLlng the men in some of the cheap boarding houses of the city, was found to be most unsatis- factory. The possession of ihe property on-Bay street has enabled us to establish the "Howard Broom Factory." The .object b^irlg to avoid or minimize the evils alluded alluded to, and at the.^^iriiiJ time provide a test for the sincerity and indijstry of those applying fo.r aid[,. The men are lodged and fed, work being enacted from them in return.. Meantime efforts are made to obtain employment suitable for the different cases." • .•-■ . ' *0 "The expenditure of the Association for 1S83 has amounted td over $3000. With this sum the Association has been enabled to perform the following services : Meals, lodging, etc., given to discharged prisoners. . . .3160 Articles of clothing given to do 338 Number of pei.ions relieved, or for whom employment h.13 been ro-uyJ; or wiio have been icwt out of the city, fc'res in rii:tny c..:c5 being paid Ly liio A3>:)c>aii:.n 7^8 T;ie c:t.o:ijh nc:i;t andi:::i:;itenance cc'lL: i.:):nc. The c:il.iri;:s of tlio vavicus agents bcfjic mentioned. Surely all will admit that a gr:at v.'orl: is bciiig accomplished widi vcrv moderate exncndiairc. "From the Treasurer's report it v,'.i\ be ^ecn that many of the Municipaliiies have responded to the appeal of lite Association and "ent us subscriptions, thus acknowledging the responsibility arising from the fact that so many prisoners from other places remain in Toronto and are cared for by our Association." MUNICIPAL GRANTS. 18S3. City of Toronto $300 00 Co. of York 75 00 " Simcoe 50 00 " Ontario 25 00 " Peterborough 25 00 •• " Lambton 25 00 ^ " Lanark 2500 " Leeds & Grenville 25 00 " Oxford 25 00 " Victoria 25 00 " Norfolk 20 00 " Haldimand 20 00 " Prescott & Russell 20 00 " Carlton . . . . • • , 20 00 " Grey 20 00 i" ^!|W^^^^P>r' ^mm 'i^^.OtL-iJjiii^ii -^i-t^rvfrntarfT .'•!a>r»<«" s , We, the Grand Jury of the County of Weliand, in accordance with your wishes, have inspected the jail o! this County and find the same clean and in good order, and those prisoners spoken to speak well of the treatment they receive. There are but few prisoners at present in the jail, and but two cases that require special mention — one, that of an imbecile, who is bedridden and beyond hope of recovery, and another, that of a man over eighty years of a^e, who is childish and quite helpless ; both these cases require better attention than can be given in this jail, and we would respectfully suggest that steps be taken for their removal and admission to the home for incurables. With regard to the tramp nuisance mentioned by your Lordship, we would say that we deem it advisable that the County Council should take steps to provide work for such tramps as may be com- mitted to this jail in the winter months, as for example, the breaking of stone for the streets, which are certainly in need of it. We think if the prisoners are rigidly required to perform a full quota of manual labor during their confinement, that the tramp nuisance will be lessened. - ' '' "" ...-:.... We would further suggest in regard to the jail, that there be a bath provided in the male department, the same as there is at present io the female de])artment. Signed, W. E. TENCH, -~ Fortman, Certified true copy. 1. P. WILSON, Clerk of Assize, County of Weliand. Weliand, April Z7th, 1884. i I : I .r %: 78 COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. To tht Warden and Conncil of Wtlland\ Gentlemen, — We, the undersigned having been appointed by the County Agricultural Society, to solicit such pecuniary aid to said Society, as you in your wisdom may see fit to grant. J. H. Price John Scholfield WcUand, June 3rd, i88<. DIRECTORY RE W. H. IRWIN. St. Catharines, May 1884. To the Warden and Council of the County of Welland : The petition of the undersigned humbly sheweth that your Pe- titioners have just completed a Gazttetr and Directory of the Cit" of St Cathannes, and counties of Lincoln and Welland, and respectfully solicit your patronage. And your petitioners will ever pray. W. H. IRWIN, & CO r 'i \".' ,' \-t -t . ^ .'- • .;('_" .v:o' J ' Jk\ i\. . t •': :.s. ' ) il 3 AUDITORS REPORT FOR 1883. To the Warden and Conncillors of th4 County of U'eiland, in Council Assembled: Gentlemen, — We, the Auditors appointed by your honourable body for the current year, beg to submit the following report : We have examined all accounts affecting the Corporation of the County of Welland, or relating to any matter under its control and also the vouchers for disbursements for the year ending 31st Decem- ber, 1883, and find the same correct and satisfactory. We have also prepared and herewith submit an abstract of the receipts, expenditures, assets and liabilities of the Corporation, and also a detailed statement of the said particulars in the form enacted by your Honorable body. All of which is respectfully submitted. GEO. L. HOBSON WM. GERMAN :} Auditors. *t ..'■• ; I «^^'ac r ^ 18S3. .Tun. 1883. Jan. it 81 COUNTY OF WELLAND IN ACCOUNT CURRENT WITH JAMES McGLASHAN, COUNTY TREASUKP:R. DR. To Balance of Ciish on Iianil, per last audit !> 84."53 11 Township of Bertie Assesment, balance of 1S!S'2 400 00 " C'rowland, assessment balance of 18S2 400 00 X. R. L., 1881 :iS 5:\ \6S'A 134 33 Village of Cliippawa assessment, 1882 140 00 " * balance 1883 81 81 Townshipof Humberstone, N. R. L., 1883 11 45 Village of Fort Erie, N. R. L., 188:J 77 99 Port Colborne. N. R. L., 1883 6 56 Township of Pelham, N. R. L., 1883 13 47 Niagara Falls Town, assessment 274 58 Town of Thorold, assessment 930 00 Township of Thorold, assessment IGSO 00 N. R. L., 1883 4 42 Stamford, N. R. L., 1883 l.SO 23 Wainfleet, N. R. L, and asscsscment, 1883. . 688 53 Township Fines 23 00 Division Court Jury Fund, balance 11 78 License Account 120 00 Contingent Account 404 00 Administration of Justice 1327 25 Common Schools, balance 62 00 Fees Account, I. P. ^Vilson 45 00 Assessments paid 3660 Oq Marsh Land.^ Balance 9774 10 S28878 14 CR. By Township of Bertie 84 25 Crowland, audit 1881 and '82 339 41 " Village of Chippawa, N. R. L, irS2 50 1 7 " Township of Thorold, N. R. L, 1881 and 82 86 78 Stamford " " 44 65 " •« Wainfleet " " Ill 24 " Town of Welland, N. R. L., 1881 and '82 20 90 " Town of Welland, error in tax sale 2 19 " Witnesses in Criminal Cases, per order 455 15 '• Board of Education 1072 75 " Jury Pay 1225 60 " Fuel Account 836 60 " Coutingent account 929 70 *' Administration of Justice Account 5683 99 " Temporary Loan 3500 00 " Salarie", Account 2415 72 " Printing 189 09 " Gaol repairs and furnishings.'accc ^nt 294 44 " Interest ace nt, .' i:52 P"> " Incidental, L -.sts 13 00 " Roads and Briaj^e- 5199 b'Z " High Schools, balance.. 1707 60 ' Insane and Destitute 2051 41 1 •««i *?;.■ il 82 " Registry Office 124 10 '* Balance of cash on liand 2128 93 $28878 14 .STATEMENT OF ASSETS OF THE COUNTY OF WELLAND, AS AT JANUARY 1ST, 1884. Furniture in north wing of gaol, per invt'y 23o 00 " south wing of gaol, per invt'y 140 00 '* and utensils in gaol kitchen 1 14 flO " and medicines in Gaoler's Office 100 00 Too-8 and implements in the gaol 30 00 Furniture and safe in County Clerk's office 3 50 00 Furniture in Surrogate office 72 75 Furniture m Clerk of Crown office 313 00 Fun.iture and in Treasurers Office oO 00 Furniture and safe in Clerk of Peace' office 230 00 Furniture in License Inspectors office ;")0 00 Kurniture in Sheriff's office 140 00 Furi.itnre, &c., in Court Room 7o 00 Furniture and Library in Judges Chambers., 700 00 Furniture in ( Jrand Jury Room 122 75 Furniture in Judges room 30 00 Furniture in Queen's Counsel Room 20 00 Fiuiiiture in Registry Office 1,56 .50 W.. )d and Coal on hand 234 ,50 ( urt House and Gaol valued at 5.5000 00 li-vgistry Office property 8000 00 Assets not paid 3660 00 Casli in Treasurers hands .68 13 Cash in Imperial Bank 1960 80 $71962 93 Balance due on mortgages of Marsh Lands., 106 86 $82645 93 TOWNSHIP OF BERTIE. 1883 UR. CR. March 1 To amount due last audit $ 315 75 " 2 By amount received from Township Treasurer.. $400,00 To balance paid Treasurer 84 25 $ 400 00 $ 400 00 TOWNSHir OF CROWLAND. 1883. DE. CR. May IG To Cash paid Tw'p. Troaa., N. R., taxcsJlSSO.. . $ 136 07 1882.... 196 56 1882.... 6 78 By Cash received froin Treas'r., balanco of ass't. $ 400 00 1881.. 38 53 To balance received^froni ...reTJsurer 90 12 $ 438 53 $ 438 53 Feb 14. Mar 13. Mar 15. April 7 " 20 May 2 June 9 Uec. 19 May IG 1883 Jan. 15 July 20 " 30 Deo. 4 1883. Mar. 24 April 7 Oct. 19 Dec. 13 1883. Jan. Feb 28 April 4 May 2 Oct. 8 83 By Cash received from Mr. Parker, taxes $ " " George Young, taxes " " Wm. Wintemute, taxes.. " " Wm. Bell, taxes '• " John Bender, taxes " " John Bender, taxes '* " Sarah Learn, taxes " " C. Bullock, taxes '* " A Coulter, taxes " " Wm. Learn, taxes *' " Andrew Misener, 'taxes .. . To Cash paid H. D. Lock, lot sold to him inerror$ 3 53 To balance charged Co. Treas., in account.... 134 33 $ 1.37 8(5 7 92 6 95 3 56 29 52 29 30 2 58 14 97 15 27 3 2.3 11 82 12 74 $ 137 86 VILLAGE OF CIIIPPAWA. DR. CR. To balance charged Treas. in account last audit. .$ 89 13 By Cash received from Village Tieas $ 140 00 To Cash paid Reeve, N. R., taxes 50 87 By Cash received from Wm. Williamson 3 40 By Cash received from J. A. Orchard 8 35 By Cvsh received from Reeve of Village 70 Oi) To Cash charged County Treas., in acoount 81 81 $ 221 81 ^ 221 81 TOWN.«(HIP OF HUMBERSTOXF.. DR. CR. By Cash received from Catharine Aikens $ 1 30 " «' W. I). McC^ai 3 24 •' " E.Augustine 44 " " A. Williams 12 47 " " Township Treasurer 1227 50 To Assessment for 1883 .^1227 50 To balance charged Treas., in accoimt 17 45 §1244 95 $1244 95 VILLAOK OF FORT ERIE. DR. By Cash received from Richard Graham . •' " Benjamin Turner. . " " W. M. Hendershot. •♦ " R. E. Andrews.... •• «' (ieo. Haslum •' " Oiias. Treble CIt. 9 96 2 66 2 58 1 92 1 92 77 55 1 ^;1 m 1 1 r II : '1 9 m r j ll Dec. 28 Dec. 31 1882. Mar. 18 _ April 5 Mar. 28 1883. April 25 D3C. 31 1883. April 25 1883. Jan.25 1882. Jan. Feb. 1 Feb. 13 Fel).27 June 22 84 '« " E, Bown 2 78 " " L G ^Gibson 40 To Balance charged Trea.s. in account $ 77 99 $ 77 99 $ 77 99 PORT COLBORNE. DR. OR. By amount of N. R., taxes as per audit $ 6 15 By Cash received from L. G. Carter 3 87 W. D. McCain 4 10 H. D. Suess 1 22 To Cash paid on tax sale $ 2 63 To balance cliarged Treas. , in account G 50 $ 9 19 $ 9 19 TOWNSHIP OF PELIIAM. DB. OR. By Cash received from J. B. Crow $ 13 47 To Cash charged Treasurer in account $ 13 47 $ 13 47 $ 13 47 NIAGARA FALLS TOWN. DR. OR. By Cash received from Treasurer $ 274 58 To Casli charged to Treas. in account $ 274 58 $ 274 58 $ 274 58 TOWN OF TIIOROLIJ. IJR. CIS. To assessment as per audit 1882 $ 930 00 By cash received, charged Treas. in account $ 930 00 $ 930 00 $ 930 00 TOWNSHIP OF THOROLl). DB. OB. To balance audited, Treas. last audit 1882 $1627 52 By balance charged Treasurer in 1881 $ 34 30 By cash received from Treasurer 600 00 400 00 " 600 00 80 OO Jiy Casli paid Treasurer 1881 and 82 ad li> 80 Apr. 14 June 2 1883. June 6 Apr. 7 July 20 Aug 15 Hep 14 Dec. 31 1883. June Ja'.2 Jan. 25 Ap. 7 April 25 June July 12 July 24 Dec. 11 1883. Dec. 31 June 23 By Cash received from Jas. Coin, taxes By Cash received from J. C. Upper, taxes To chai-ged County Treas. in account, 3 2 19 ixes 4 42 2 83 $1718 72 $1718 72 TOWNSHIP OF STAMFORD. By balance charged Treaa. in 1881 1882 To Cash paid Township Treasurer By Cash received from T. C. Livingstone . H (ieo. Biggar Joseph Crawford. To Cash charged Co. Treas DR. CR. $ 3 95 40 70 $ 44 65 70 54 53 17 6 01 51 130 23 $ 174 88 $ 174 88 TOWNSHIP OF WAINFLEET. By balance as per audit, 1881. 1882. To Cash paid Twp. Treas )R. CR. $ 1 61 109 63 1 61 109 63 $ 111 24 By Cash received from D. H. Crow, N. R. taxes. " " F. Vigrass " " Isaac Misener " " E. Lee " " S. C. Duncan, Clerk " " Fuller and Nesbitt " •• Est. Isaac Overholt *' " John Gilmore " A. Coulter " " Twp. Treasurer To amount charged Co. Treasurer, account . . . $ 111 24 $ 3 58 5 54 30 34 111 32 8 49 4 40 13 24 3 30 8 32 500 00 .$ 688 53 $ 688 53 $ 688 53 TOWN OF WELLAND. DR. By balance charged Co. Treas. audit, 1881 I «« " 1882 By Cash received from Town Treas To Cash paid Town Treas. , N. R. taxes | 28 90 By error in lot S. S., Chippawa road, 1881 CR. 4 70 24 20 468 73 2 19 tf ■ ■'mm«'yvM''7^'>fr^f'r, t)ec. 31 To Cash paid Town Treas 2 19 To asaessment for 1883 468 75 $ 499 84 $ 499 84 TOWNSHIP OF WILLOUGHBY. 1883. DR. CR. March 7 By Cash received from Jas. McCoun $ 9 2^ March 13 " " C. Kawmeyer, N. R. taxes. ^ 2 48 Dec. 13 To cash paid Twp, Treas. on account, N. R. taxes.$ 11 76 Toassessment of 1883 631 2.") By cash received from Twp. Treas CSl 25 $ 643 01 ^ 643 01 WITNESSES IN CRIMINAL CASES. 1883. Jan. 4 April 14 May 31 June 16 Nov. 2 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 DR. f'R. To Cash paid in Jos. Kirklands case $ 27 70 *' " Willson and Goodman case 70 65 " " W. Landgraf's case 3165 Chas. H. Lister's case 52 50 " *' John Hammonds case 14 70 " " Flanigan's case 7 85 S. Hopkins' case 36 00 " " D. C. McMurtry's case 45 85 John Neals case 62 55 " " Antoine Lavarino case 85 35 Thos. Fikes case 6 75 Harry Blaine's case 13 60 By Carried to credit of Co. Treas. account $ 455 15 $ 455 15 $ 455 15 FINKS ACOOCNT. 1883 UR. CR. Dec, 10 By Cash received from J. Coulter, J. P $ 8 00 W. T. Fish, J. P 15 00 Charged Co. Treas. in account $ 23 00 $ 23 00 $ 23 00 L'. ■■■■-- DIVISION COURT JURY FUND. 1883 DR. Jan. 15 To Cash paid Geo. L. Hobson, per certificate $ 8 00 July 30 '• Jno. A. Orchard, per certificate 6 00 Dec. 24 " " " 5 00 Jan. 15 By Cash received from Geo. L. Hobson "8 " " Thos. Newbigging " A. K. Scholfield Jan. 16 " " John A. Orchard CR. 9 45 (5 7tf 3 11 5 62 Dec. 31 1883. Jan. 7 " 13 23 23 3! Feb 15 Apr T) June 23 23 23 30 30 July 14 14 19 19 19 19 Aug. 15 15 21 21 31 21 Sept. 8 28 Oct. 15 Nov. 30 30 30 Dec. 8 8 8 8 8 31 87 *• " Geo. Keefer •' " Edward Lee To balance charged Co. Treas. in account 11 78 .1! 30 78 4 94 87 1883. Dec. 31 $ 30 78 BO.VBD OF EDUCATION. DR. CR To Cash paid J. H. Ball, P. W. C. 1005 $ 157 50 " A. McCulloch, order 7 50 " " H. C. Sills, order 18 00 " " J. H Ball, order 1105 •• " " " 20 00 «' " Abel Land, order 6 08 ♦' " R. Harcourt, order 15 00 «• " J. M. Dunn, order 45 00 «' " W. H. Bono, order 12 00 " W. P. &P. Co 1 25 " J. H. Ball, W. C. 1041 15125 " " W. H. Anger, order 6 60 " J. J. Sidey, order 5 80 " •' W. P. & P. Co., order 2 50 •« " J. H. Ball, W. C. 1088 13 12 1103 15125 " H. C. Sills, W. C, order 18 00 " " J. H. Ball, order 14 95 " " Donald Rose, order 1 20 " " A. McCulloch, order 15 00 " " Robt. Dougan, order 1 25 " '« J. H. Ball, order 30 00 " '• J» M. Dunn, order 45 00 " " R. Harcourt, order ,35 00 •• •* J. M Dunn, order 25 00 '■ " " 2 00 •' " R. Arnold, order 3 70 " J. H. Ball, order 3 00 ♦' " Abel Land, order 6 45 " J. H. Ball, W. C, 1139 15125 •• W. H. Bone, order 8 00 " " J. J. Sidey, order 3 00 " " W. P. &P. Co 4 90 " " Anger Bros., order 3 60 " " J. H. Ball, W. C. 1186 15 33 " " " order 19 66 •« " R. Arnold, per order 20 30 " " J. M. Dunn, order 18 66 '• " Hellems and Gamer, order 3 60 By Cash Carried to credit of Co. Treas $1072 75 ■ "; '. ■ '■/.,. ',„.-y-.^ ;■*.; ' $1072 75 -' *•"'' $1072 75 AUCTIONEER LICENSE ACCOUNT. ' DR. CR. By Cash from J. A. Orchard $ 15 00 " Jno. Weiss 15 00 m li ^^ mmm gjmmmtti'vf nv I 1883. April 19 June 16 Sep. 16 Nov. 2 Doc. 13 1883. April 30 Sep.t 8 Dec. 31 1883. Jan. 15 Jan. 31 Feb. 5 23 April 14 20 M»y 31 June 8 June 16 June 23 July 7 88 " W. H. Turner 15 00 " L. V. Gamer 15 00 " E. R. Hellems 15 00 E. Smith I.') 00 W. Histed 15 00 " Isaac Armbrust 15 00 To Caah charged Co. Treas. in account. ... $ 120 00 $ 120 CO $ 120 00 JURY PAT. DR. <;r. To Cash paid Petit Jury, spring asaizes $ 237 10 Grand Jury, " 80 20 Gaol Sessions 43 60 Petit Jury, " 161 90 " Selectors, per order 16 00 " Grand Jury, fall assizes 1 16 90 " Petit Jury, Fall Assizes 295 80 ' ' Selectors, fall assizes 48 00 •' Grand Jury, Gaol S !8sions 84 20 Petit Jury, " 141 90 81225 60 By Cash credited Co. Treas. in account $1225 60 FUEL ACCOCNT. DR. CR. To Cash paid F. M. Hagar, W C. 1045 $ 52 98 Wallace Tufts, VV. C. 1W6 511 40 " William Russell, W. C, 1132. ...... 272 22 $ 836 60 By Cash carried to credit of Co. Treas. aiccount $ 836 60 COKTINGENT ACCOtrNT. DR. CR. To Cash paid Sheriff Duncan $ 25 00 " Anger Bros., W. C. 1015 per audit. . 5 40 HeUems and Garner, 1017 S 95 '• American Express, W. C. audit 1020 3 10 F. O. White, W. C. per audit, 1023 2 00 , " Col. W. D. Otter, W. C, audit, 1008 10 00 Hart & Co. W. C. per audit, 1014. . . 186 67 " Geo. Burgar, W. C., audit, 1U30. ... 8 29 " Artillery Association, W. C. audit 1022 50 00 " " D. Kinsman, W. C, audit, 1044. . . . 10 00 " " Henry and Charlotte Swain, order. . 8 00 Chas. Treble, W. C, 1043 32 00 Jno. F. Hill, W. C, 1057 72 00 J. C. Page, W. C, 1064 50 00 «' J. H. Price, agricultural grant 1079.. 74 47 Hellems and Garner, W. C, 1093. . . 12 76 Chas. Treble, W. C. 1096 72 00 July 14 July 31 Aug. 4 Aug. 8 Aug. 23 Oct. 8 Nov. 14 Dec. 8 Dec. 13 Dec. 31 ]883. (< •( <( II II II Jas. Gilchriese, salary 37 50 Copp, Clark \ Co., audit 22 00 Jas. E. Baxter, salary 50 00 Mrs. Baxter, salary 21 17 N. Forsyth, per order 4 20 E. R. Hellenis, per order 2 00 I. P. Willson, per audit 10 00 Sheriff Duncan, per audit 270 30 C. llamey, per audit 6 20 Anger liros. , per audit 30 72 R. \V. Shiehls per 'audit 4 40 A. Boyer, per audit 3 55 John R. Dowd, per audit 10 00 J. W. Schooley, per audit 40 50 C. J. Page k Co. per audit (55 63 L. D. Raymond, audit 186 09 L. Brennan, audit 1 1 50 R. Morwood, audit 12 65 Jas. Morwood, audit 27 SO Wni. Eastman, per audit 10 00 John Connors, audit 20 00 W. P. & P. Co. audit 35 72 J. J. Sidey, audit 37 37 Samuel Lee, audit 2 00 K. Sauter, audit 15 00 Mrs. J. E. Baxter, salary 21 17 J. E. Baxter, salary 50 00 James Gilchriese, salary 37 50 Jas. McfTlashan, order 4 00 I. P. WiPson, order 4 00 Best Bros., audit 17 00 Jas. Foster, audit 2 50 Thos. Cumines, audit 0 75 J. (iilchriese, sahary 37 50 J. E. Baxter, salary 50 00 Mrs. Baxter, salary 21 17 Jas. (jiilchriese, salary 37 50 Jas. ¥u Baxter, salary 50 00 Mrs. J. E. Baxter, salary 21 17 Andrew Hardison, salary 1 50 N. Brewster, audit 1 6 40 J. W. Schooley, audit 38 .'O W. H. Anger, audit 27 oO Sheriff Duncan, audit 168 24 W. P. & P. Co. audit 29 28 L. D. Raymond, audit 131 23 Fcrsyth and Helloms, per order. ... 6 22 C. J. Page, audit 33 73 W. R. Eastman, audit 5 00 J. J. Sidey, audit 61 94 Anson Green, audit 4 60 Jas. Morwood, audit 21 48 E. Vansickle, audit 9 85 E. Vansickle, audit 8 62 Jacob Baccus, audit 2 50 Thos. Haius, audit 2 60 Henry Bodie, audit 1 00 J. Appleyard, audit 6 15 S. Gilchriese, audit 36 95 it'if^i^'^-.y WPTS'^ftVIT"- -•v^ fTip^fiprtpi f ' ,%* IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) z %0 2e 1.0 I.I fcaiM |2.5 ■so "^^ MflH la Kii 112.2 !^ IA£ IIIII2.0 lit 1.8 '•2^11'-^ ■' ^ 6" ► Hiotographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STRKT WEBSTER, N.Y. M5S0 (716) 873-4503 \ V \ \ \ ,o<5» [v '<^ 4s y. \ l\ Nov. 1 Nov. 2 Nov. 30 Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 13 Dec. 24 Dec. 31 March 8 June 24 Aug. 27 02 " Best Bros, audit 10 30 " J. A. Gilchriese, salary 37 50 N. Wall, audit 12 10 N. Wall, audit 8 70 " Constables at Assizes 45 40 " J. A. Gilchriese, salary 37 50 •' J. E. Baxter, audit 15 00 Mrs. Baxter, audit 42 34 " C. Ramey, order 1 .'50 ' ' Constables at Sessions 30 00 '• Wm. Dalton, audit 5 50 " J. A. Gilchriese, salary 37 50 " A. W. Gilchriese, salary 25 00 By Cash received from Government $ CI (( «« (I Amounts carried to balance account $5683 99 Jul; Aug 568 43 17(5 77 582 05 $1327 25 TEMPORARY LOAN. 1883. DR. CR. Feb. 1 To Casli paid Anrti "- McCulloch $3500 00 Dec. 31 By Cash Credited Cc , Treas. in ace. note due Aug. 19th. $3500 00 SALARIES ACCOUxST. 1883. DR. CR. Jan. 4 To Cash paid Warden, W. C. 1003 $ 8 34 Jan. 15 " J. Botterill, W. C. 1004 8 00 Jan. 25 " Co. Treasurer, W. C. 1026 50 00 Co. Clerk, W. C. 1025 37 50 •• J. E. Baxter, W. C. 1024 5 00 " J. Botterill, W. C. 1028 8 00 Jan. 31 '• Members wa^es, W. C. 1013 217 20 Feb. 15 '« Warden, W.C, 1027 8 34 Feb 23 " Co. Clerk, W. C. 1032 37 50 Co. Treas. W. C. 1031. 50 00 March 8 " J. E. Baxter, W. C. 1033 5 00 J. Botterill, W C 1034 8 00 Warden, VV C 1035 8 34 March 31 " Co. Treas. W C 1030 50 00 J. Botterill, W C 1039 5 00 " J. E. Baxter.W C 1038 5 00 Warden WC 1040 8.34 Co. Clerk W C 1037 37 50 April 30 " Co. Treas. W C 1047 50 00 May 2 " Co. Clerk W C 1051 37 50 J. Botterill W C 1050 8 00 " J. E. Bixter, W. C. 1049 5 00 •« Warden, W. C. 1048 8 34 31 •' John Dalo, W. C. 1055 25 00 Jos. Priestman, W. C. 1056 25 00 Co, Treasurer, W. C. 1058 50 00 June 8 " M. .hers' wages, W. C. 1071 304 10 " Co. Clerk, W. C. 1062 37 50 *' J. Botterill, W. C. 1061 8 00 " J. E. Baxter, W. C. 1060 5 00 Sep Oct Nov Dec 1883 Janj May July Aug Oct: Dec June Aug Dec <( i< (( July 17 Aug 2 8 (t II 31 II << (< Sept 8 (( t( 31 11 II Oct II II Novl II II II II 30 II II II Dec 8 i< ';« MARSn LANDS. 1883 \ DP. Jany 16 By Cash rec'd from Edward Lee i •• '* Ceo. Vasbinder. May 9 •♦ " Harper's Mortgage SO «• " Wm. Reave], July 6 •• " Leitch Mortgage 12 «« " Buchanan " Aug 3 «« «' Wilson & Reavely. .... Oct 23 «« " J. C. Page, Mort'ge . . Dec 1 «• «« Ingram June 8 To cash paid R. Nugent, W C 1068 $ 10 00 Aug 31 «' Mary Lattimore, W C 1126.. 275 00 Dec 8 " Thos Wilson. W C 1173 83 47 " J. W. Clute, W C 1184 5 00 CR. 1200 00 559 53 432 84 3000 00 100 (0 50 00 581 1 00 156 75 63 20 il SSmmM''*>mvf«i'«mi^i«''''>'if-'^ 31 1883 Jan 1 1883. Jan. 23 31 June 15 July 14 23 Dec. 8 13 24 1883, Feby. 7 Apr. 30 June 8 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 94 " J. C. Page, W C 1181 25 75 Ch'gd Co Treasurer in account 9774 10 $10173 32 $10173 32 May 23 June 15 ' 23 Dec. 8 15 PRINTING ACCOUNT To cash paid J. J. Sidey, W C 1014 W. H. Bone, WC 1019... " W. P. & P. Co.WC 1029. J. J. Sidey, W C 1042 10o2 W. P. &P. Co., WC1081. J. J. Sidey, W C 1090 " W. H. Bone, WC 1076.... W. H. Anger, WC 1091... J. J. Sidey, W. C. 1175... W. H. Anger, W. C. 1187.. W. H. Bone, W. C. DR 20 30 3 00 3 70 42 50 29 00 5 76 7 73 3 00 3 00 60 90 3 60 6 60 CB By Credited Co. Treasurer in account . §189 09 GAOL REPAIRS A'SD FINISHING.S. To Cash paid Ross & Co., W. C. 1007 M. Vanderburgh, W. C. 1012. . E. Sautcr, W. C. 1016 Jas. Foster, VV. C. 1000 Jno. F. Gross, W. C. 1011 R. H. Dyer, W. C. 1010 Jno. F. Gross, W. C. 1084 F. M. Hagar, W. C. 1085 Jas. Foster, W. C, 1083 Geo. Cronmiller, W. C. 1086. . . J. Appleyard, W. C. 1082 T. L. Nichols, W. C. 1109 J. B. Doan, W. C. 1165.. . . . . . . Hellems & Garner, W. C, 1188. Jas. Foster, W. C. 11 'U Geo. Cronmiller, W. C. 1176... J. F. Gross, W. C. 1163 Henry Mninis, W. C. 1166 E. Sauter, W. C. 1183 By credited Co. Treasurer, in account K (( (( <( (( (« « $ 189 09$ 189 09 DR. CR. $ 5 75 13 65 4 50 1 95 1 00 1 00 1 50 27 77 5 40 3 50 3 75 •97 S8 5 00 21 91 2 50 1 50 12 50 80 63 2 75 294 44 $294 44 ?'204 44 INTEREST ACCOUNT. To Cash paid 1 year and 172 days at 6^ on 3500. .$ 308 95 " " Exchange to Bk. Niagara Falls 35 " " A. McCulloch, per W. C, 1060.... 5 95 By Received from Imperial Bk on Dep. account. . $ Credited Co. Treasurer in account 63 252 25 $ 315 25 $315 2o 95 1883. Mar. 21 31 Apr. 2i June n Dec. 24 IXCIDEN'TAL, IXQrE.ST.1. To Cash paid W. E. Burgar, per order $10 " " J. W. Schooley, per order 10 " " Jas. B. NefiF, per order 16 " " Jacob Walrath, per order 12 " "J. W. Schooley, per order 5 " " J. W. Oliver, per order 10 By credited Co. Treasurer In account $ 63 $63 63 ROADS AN'D BRIDGKS. 15 23 July 14 23 31 Aug 8 18S3. DR. CR. Jan. 31 To Cash paid Andrew Upper, W. C. 1021 $ 1 00 ^■ay 30 " W. P. Robins, W. C. 1053 30 00 31 " Jas. Gilchrist, W. C. 1053 1G2 50 June S " S. Gilchrist, W. C. 1067 9 75 I. H. Allen, W. C. 1070 15 41 " George Dell, W. C. 10G6 23 45 R. Duggan, W. C. 1072 25 00 " W. Burns. W. C. 1074 3 00 " " W. C. 1073 35 Ca " W. Gieigar, W. C. 1075 2 45 " VV. Griffiths, W. C. 106'J 70 00 " Peter Beckett, jr., W. C. 1097. . . . 6 00 '• C. J. Page, W. C. 1078 3160 Henry Selway, W. C. 1106 431 50 Philip Carrier, W. C. 1105 72 00 RichaVd Hanna, W. C. 1107 78 00 J. C. Page, W. C, 1110 7 00 Edward Green, W. C. 1104 30 00 " Thos Ray, VV.C. 1122 500 00 « J. Overholt, W. C. 1117 3 00 " John WiUson, W. C. 1116 14 00 " Haney & Metier, W. C. 1118 80 00 " W m. Patterron, W. C. 1120 8 75 " Nicholas Ecker, W. C. 1119 7 50 " Haney & Metier, W. C. 1 125 24 00 Thomas Ray, W. C. 1141 1000 00 M Bjady, W.C. 1141 3100 " Joseph Turner, W. C. 1142 25 00 " do do W.C. 1144 67 .50 " William Wilson, W. C. 1143 92 50 " Thomas Ray, W. C. 1143 1000 00 " H. Selway, VV. C. 1150 447 00 " Thomas Ray, W. C. 1152 500 00 " Warren Moore, W. C. 1 151 81 81 " James Harper, W. C. 1153 75 00 " J. J. Heximer, W. C. 1168 12 00 " said Momingstar, W. C. llt»9 $ 3 00 " '• 1170 204 00 « McCleary & McLean, W. C 1171 ... . 68 80 " Philip Webse, W. C. 11.59 11 00 31 By credited Treas on account $5199 52 $3199 52 $5199 52 23 Oct. 10 15 31 Nor. 2 15 30 Dec. 8 Dec 8 ^f- M- S?^^ 71 30 " Welland 56S 00 Aug 2 By cash rec'd from Gov't for Drummondville 236 58 " " Thorold 303 99 " «« Welland 301 78 10 To cash paid Thorold 607 98 Welland 603 56 " Drummondville 513 16 Dec 31 By balance carried to Treasurer's account 1707 70 COMMON SCHOOLS. 1883 July 30 Sept Aug 3 10 Sept 1 Oct 5 Dec 31 $3497 60 $3497 60 DR. CR. By cash received from Government 2487 0 " Humberstone 62 00 To cash paid Bertie Tw'p 506 00 Pelham 454 00 Thorold 351 00 " Humberstone 400 00 Wainfleet 326 00 Stamford 141 00 Crowland 166 00 Willoughby 143 00 To charged Co. Treas. in account , 69 00 S2549 00 $2549 00 INSANE AND DESTITUTE. 1883 June 6 8 Dec. 8 31 By Cash received from John Willson, reeve.. $ | To Cash paid Keeves of Township list % 1071 60 " " " 994 50 David Renard. W. C. 1160.... 1191 By Cash to credit of Treasurer's account DH CR $ 26 50 2077 91 $ 2077 91 $ 2077 91 1883 REGISTRY OrFICE. Jan 1 To Cash paid J. C. Page W. C. 1065. .$ 12 . " Copp, Clark & Co.. " 1080.. 15 " J. F. Gross " 1004.. HisleBros " 1089.. R. H. Dyer " 1095.. George Cronmiller.. •' 1092.. Morris, Stone and Wellington " 1087.. Dec 8 « A. Asher " 1182.. 13 '« Griffith & McCallum " 1179.. 81 By credited Co. Treasurer in acct 124 10 << (C t( (I 0 " Fort Erie 89 75 " Port Colborne 250 00 '= Ni;i,:;ir.i Falh South 150 25 rowiisliip " Tlioroltl 1050 00 Town " " 581 "25 Township " St.'imfonl 1050 00 " Waiiifleet 1500 00 Paid Char.s^cil Treisurer in account S66U 00 £11484 22 REVISED LIS i— INSANE DESTITUTE. Half yearly I'st of Insane Destitute — Chap. 26 Ontario Statutes. Revised June Se-sion, 1884, under By-Law 425. MlTNICIPAT.ITY Crnwlnnl Ni v'_'ara FaM . , Muinhcrstoiie. , Pelham . Mary Forsvtb Davi'l H. Ferguson .Tncob Tseff John Hnrper Ja,'ne'=! Boyle John Clark Tsrafti Ti e Davi 1 Sm'th M try Clark Port Colborne JMrs Chambers I Mrs Hirnev .EllunCli'^nrl fitatnforil 'Barbara Sonr Tlio.-aldFowu iHngh M jriivi n. . . |J iino3 (/ ifferv T'loro^d Township. . Wainileet Nbmf.s of Insane Destitute. 1) S 'Total for one hilF veir TOTAI. C'vu-lotto l)>b.l1 . William Snit'i , . . . L'ljin la TJiper. . . . Dvvid Si let- Cirolinn Tiirirort. . L'\cv Rod "■"- . . . Bertie Catharine C oni.; k, •J, 01?i')2 01$ 52 0 J John Mclntyro 0') 01 01 0) 03 0) 0!) 01 .^.0 52 01 52 01, 20 01 •' ". 01 01, 01. 01 52 52 OD 104 01 J. A. Ram^den 01 213 01 '? 01 01 00 Of) .50 / ) 51 01 50 52 52 30 01 .52 01 rrl 01 2 ! 01 52 01 31 01 45 50 3'1 01 r.'7 143 no 2> 00 9] 45 01 A- 51 Fraser fl-. 4") 01 01 1 50 :u o'> 3^ 01 on 01' I if' f^n,;2 00 ^m^mW: